🇬🇧 Disability News Digest

I’m Raul Krauthausen the founder of SOZIALHELD*INNEN, an NPO and consultancy from Germany, focussing on Disability Mainstreaming. With this newsletter, I share hand-picked links from around the world with you on topics of inclusion, accessibility and innovation. No spam. I promise.Stay up-to-date

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Subscribe to Disability News Digest

Raul Krauthausen is founder of SOZIALHELD*INNEN, an NPO and consultancy from Germany, focussing on Disability Mainstreaming. This newsletter shares hand-picked links from around the world of inclusion and innovation.


Sent from my wheelchair Autor | Moderator | Medienmacher Aktivist: #Inklusion & #Barrierefreiheit ♿️ SOZIALHELD*INNEN e.V.