The emergence, importance of #DisabilityTooWhite hashtag
I’m Raul Krauthausen the founder of SOZIALHELD*INNEN, an NPO and consultancy from Germany, focussing on Disability Mainstreaming. With this newsletter, I share hand-picked links from around the world.
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We wrote a children’s book (in german)

Hand-picked news about inclusion, accessibilty and innovation
The emergence, importance of #DisabilityTooWhite hashtag (
In this essay, I look at #DisabilityTooWhite (Thompson, 2016) as an activist call to center the messy intersectionality politics in the disability community, specifically in terms of disability and Whiteness. I center my theoretical commitments within the realm of DisCrit (Disability/Critical Race Theory) to critique the interplay of race (ism) and ability (ableism). I further utilize thematic textual analysis to study the content that has been posted by Twitter users under the #DisabilityTooWhite hashtag. I use an inductive approach to my analyses by drawing themes from my research that fall in line with DisCrit's central commitments as a means to deepen the conversations about disability, Whiteness, and social media.
Confronting the Whitewashing Of Disability: Interview with #DisabilityTooWhite Creator Vilissa Thompson (
A new hashtag campaign has been making waves in the disability community and facilitating dialogue about how we see disability. #DisabilityTooWhite
Tell us your experience of wheelchair access in the UK (
We’d like to find out more about your experience of accessing wheelchairs via the NHS
British Airways has held the first meeting of its new Customer Access Advisory Panel, aimed at engaging with members of the community to improve the end-to-end experience for its customers with accessibility requirements. The airline is committed to delivering a seamless experience for everyone and is dedicated to ensuring that its accessibility offering meets the diverse needs of its customers.
Accessibility and Online Survey (
Accessible surveys come from combining an accessible survey builder with an accessible survey
Accessibility and Online Education Materials (
Each day, there are at least a dozen new articles in my LinkedIn feed on converting dead-tree, in-person course materials to online course formats. Maybe 1 in 10 of them (if that) address accessibility, and then usually just in passing like “Oh, yeah, remember to caption your videos”
Accessibility and Disability Blogging — one year anniversary (
In April 2018, I considered writing a book on accessibility. Blogging, I thought, would be an excellent way to meet my writing goals and help me explore book topics. But like many good ideas, that one sat around for a few months, and I didn’t do anything toward making that goal a reality.
Accessibility and Motion (
While Plautus never had to deal with motion in the context of technology, his commentary on moderation is definitely relevant to the topic of making motion accessible to all users. The following elements are common sources of motion on web pages and in mobile apps.
Disabled Artists Talk: Insights In Practice (
Meet artists Vanessa Cruz, Jaklin Romine, and Ande Diedjomahor for a conversation with each other about disability, art, and life. This talk, organized and moderated by dancer and choreographer Alice Sheppard, is the culmination of a partnership with Pieter as part of an Access Initiative.
Now Accepting Applications: 2024 Midwest Award For Artists With Disabilities (
$3,000 award that recognizes disabled visual artists in our region, celebrates their efforts, and encourages their future work.
Teighlor McGee Grassroots Mini Grants (
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN) is proud to launch our Teighlor McGee Grassroots Mini Grants Program. This program was named after former ASAN staff member and activist, Teighlor McGee.
HJC is hiring an Associate Director! (
Health Justice Commons is seeking an Associate Director who is a collaborative leader with a strong commitment to movement building and disability justice.
Black-Led Movement Fund (
The Black-Led Movement Fund (BLMF) supports the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) and other politically aligned organizations so that it can better shape policy agendas for Black communities, create alternatives to institutions that have been harmful to Black people, and build local Black community power. The Fund provides a dedicated vehicle for funders to support the ecosystem of grassroots, Black-led power building organizations working towards community safety, justice, and liberation.
Borealis Philanthropy launches the Black Disabled Liberation Project (
Borealis Philanthropy has announced the launch of a $1 million Black Disabled Liberation Project, co-funded by the organization’s Black-Led Movement Fund and its Disability Inclusion Fund (DIF).
5 Disability Stories Journalists Should Be Covering Right Now (2024) (
Journalists, are people with disabilities and disability issues at the forefront of your coverage? With over 61 million Americans and 1 billion people globally living with a disability, we all know and love someone with a disability.
Surveying the Landscape of Disability Data and Statistics (
A Toolkit for Interagency Collaboration.
Disability inclusivity: time to step up (
Worldwide, an estimated 1·3 billion people live with a disability—“long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others” according to the 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. People with disabilities too often die earlier and have poorer health than those without disabilities. With the ageing of the population their number grows annually, yet progress in tackling inequity and improving inclusivity has been disappointingly limited.
Creative Growth: The House That Art Built (
And exhibition celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the first organization in the United States dedicated to supporting artists with developmental disabilities.
At SFMOMA, Disability Artwork Makes History (
After 50 years, Creative Growth in Oakland celebrates as its artists enter the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s collection.
Disability Justice in Direct Action (
Note - this is an introductory, 101-level training. 201 level coming soon!
Direct Action Planning Resource for (and by!) Sick and Disabled Comrades (
l've been sitting a lot with the idea that disabled people/crips only (can) engage in direct action or support with escalation from our beds. Although many of us are bed-bound a lot of the time, I thought it might be helpful to have a matrix of actions to refer to when our bodies are in certain places.
Initial Reactions from Disabled Black/Indigenous Interviewees Profiled in Be A Revolution (
An afterthought and literary device to Oluo, Black/Indigenous/Disability is everythought and breath to us. We took very seriously our stated role in preparing Oluo to develop a single chapter on race and disability. What a supreme let down, betrayal, and insult. Even what we correctly reported not accurately reported. And much of the anti-Black/Indigenous+ableism Oluo writes into this text, and over us, is literally written over us warning Oluo about that exact form of ableism. There is so much failure here.
Accessibility and Kobe (
I know nothing about basketball and very little about Kobe Bryant. Wheelchair basketball wasn’t a “thing” when I was a kid. When I could walk intermittently, I got seriously tired of people asking me — a gawky almost six-foot-tall teenage girl if I played basketball. When the answer was no, the conversation frequently turned to the questioner thinking they deserved an explanation as to why I was wasting my height.
Accessibility and Design Thinking don’t work together automatically (
Note that this article does not address the question “Should you be using Design Thinking at all?” — there are two very distinct camps on opposite ends of the spectrum on that question.
Be My Eyes Accessibility with GPT-4o (
Say hello to GPT-4o, our new flagship model which can reason across audio, vision, and text in real time.
Becoming an Accessible Travel Blogger: Opening Doors to Free Stays and Activities (
In an age where travel blogging has become a lucrative profession, many aspiring adventurers are looking for ways to turn their passion for exploration into a sustainable career. One niche that’s gaining traction is accessible travel blogging. This avenue allows bloggers to share their adventures with a wider audience and opens doors to unique opportunities, including complimentary stays and activities. So, how does one embark on the journey to becoming an accessible travel blogger and reap the benefits of free accommodations and experiences? Let’s delve into it.
See inside the first ultra-accessible theme park 'for everybody': Morgan’s Wonderland (
Morgan’s Wonderland is an ultra-accessible theme park, but it’s not just for people with disabilities.
Accessible travel: Many barriers affect wheelchair users (
From basement bathrooms to broken wheelchairs, many barriers affect wheelchair users when they’re out and about.
TransReport: interlinking geographies is next for accessible travel app (
Waleed Ahmed, Transreport COO, explains the accessible travel app startup's expansion from the UK into new regions
Beyond Barriers: How being stuck on bedrest changes how I travel (
Sophie Morgan discusses how bedrest impacts her view on travel
Disabled people are being excluded from using electric cars by inaccessible charging infrastructure (
A blog post by disabled access charity Euan's Guide about how disabled people are excluded from using electric vehicles due to inaccessible charging infrastructure, based on the 2023 Euan's Guide Access Survey.
How I Secured My Disability-Friendly Job - And How You Can Too (
Finding and obtaining a job when you have a disability can be challenging. There are a number of things you have to take into account when searching for your dream job, such as accessibility, distance and working hours to ensure you are able to do the job to the best of your ability. Actually, securing a job can be difficult too, especially if employers lack understanding about disability.
A Plan to Help Harlem Students Build Wealth: Start Them Off With $10,000 (
A New York City nonprofit group, flush with millions in private capital, is piloting a first-of-its-kind savings program to address the racial wealth gap — by giving thousands of students in Harlem $10,000 each to invest.
Allentown School District Expands Transit Access Partnership with Lanta (
Over the last two years, the Allentown School District’s partnership with LANTA has provided safe and dependable transportation for thousands of Allentown students.
John McFall: Para-astronaut on a mission to open up space (
John McFall is studying whether it's possible for someone with a physical disability to go to space.
How To Explain Your MS Diagnosis To Your Kids (
The people being diagnosed with MS are often parents, specifically mothers, who will have to grapple with how to explain their symptoms to their children.
Assisted dying debate terrifying for disabled people, says actress Liz Carr (
As legal assisted dying receives more support, the actress expresses deep concern for disability rights.
Lose the pity: The need for empathy and support for parents of disabled children (
Receiving a diagnosis or facing a traumatic injury can be a life-altering experience, not only for the individual directly affected but also for their friends and loved ones. In particular, parents of disabled children can find themselves thrust into a world of uncertainty, facing a myriad of challenges that can seem overwhelming.
Disability And Employment: “I Am Someone Who Wants To Work, Living In A World That Only Cares About Healthy People” (
Paisley Smith, who had ambitions to become a police officer, shares her experience of having her dreams crushed due to a debilitating health condition and the barriers of disability and employment.
Why are autistic people dying? (
I’m going to start with the good news. Unfortunately, the good news isn’t all that great.
A ‘miracle cure’ for deafness? For people like me, here’s why that isn’t our dream (
It’s right to celebrate a groundbreaking medical trial. But what many of us really want is more support for people with hearing loss, says journalist and social media manager Oliver-James Campbell.
Top Accessible Historic German Towns (
Discover historic and picturesque towns of Germany, where fairytale stories were inspired amid picture-perfect surroundings. From medieval architecture to enchanting old towns filled with timber-framed houses, Germany offers many historic towns full of charm.
Figuring Out University (
After six years at a blatantly inaccessible secondary school, sitting even more inaccessible exams, the time has come for me to finally move on to the uncharted territory that is higher education.
Illinois State University Professor Awarded $1.5 Million NSF Grant to Improve Science Education for Blind and Low-Vision Students (
Dr. Natalie L. Shaheen receives over $1.5 million NSF grant to improve science education accessibility for blind and low-vision students.
Life as a disabled student - What I wish I’d known (
Making the transition from childhood to adulthood can be a daunting prospect, no matter the circumstances. It’s a time of new horizons – and for many, that also means the start of student life.
Accessibility Abbreviations and Acronyms (
ACA: Affordable Care Act or Accessible Canada Act depending on context. “The ACA must comply with the ADA, not the ACA” is actually a legit sentence.
7 Things that Turn good Accessibility into Great Accessibility (
This article is the other end of the spectrum from the article I wrote last week entitled “10 things that indicate designers have no clue about accessibility”
10 Tips for More Effective and Accessible WFH Communications (
a desk with a laptop, an open book and pen.
10 Things that Indicate Designers have No Clue about Accessibility (
People frequently reach out to me* asking if a particular site is accessible. This happened last night, and I only had 15 minutes to spend checking it.
10 Reasons to Switch to Centralized Budgeting for Accessibility (
an image of a hand holding a phone on a desk filled with paper It is the second half of April, and in the accessibility world, that means three things.
Nights Out (
For many people, the end of the week is a signal to let go of their stresses; the chance to let their hair down and relax. Here, Lauren Hunter takes us round some of her favourite spots in Glasgow.
Do You Really Feel Disability Confident as an Employer? (
A leading national charity, today, called upon company bosses to employ more blind and partially sighted people (BPS) and relaunched its internship Get Set Progress programme as one proven solution. BPS people face ongoing employment challenges, with a 27% employment rate compared to the general population’s 76%, in spite of the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s announcement at his Autumn Statement last year to get more disabled people into work. Thomas Pocklington Trust’s Get Set Progress internship programme wants to work with employers to increase this employment rate.
Beyond 6 Seconds: Hiring people with Down syndrome (
Joshua Hoskins is a 25 year old man with Down syndrome who lives in Tamworth, England with his parents. He loves his family and friends, and his hobbies are horse riding, boxing, musicals, supporting Newcastle United Football team, going out on trips and going on holiday. Josh has two jobs: he loves them both and has great buddies at each place. Josh’s Mum Debbie helps him create posts on LinkedIn every week, because Josh wants to help other people with Down syndrome to get a job if they want to.
Trails for All (
A unique trail project in an urban preserve works to remove barriers to nature.
Taylor Swift: Ticketmaster sorry for disabled ticket rule (
Wheelchair user Cat Dafydd was unable to secure more than two accessible tickets to the Cardiff gig.
Outhouse Town Hall event to explore accessibility challenges faced by LGBTQ+ disabled people (
Outhouse is organising a Town Hall Meeting on May 9 inviting disabled people to discuss the challenges they face and help shape future plans and activities for the LGBTQ+ centre. The organisers spoke to GCN about the event. It’s no accident that our Strategic Plan at Outhouse LGBTQ+ Centre is titled Space for All.
Paris Promised the Olympics Would Be Accessible. The Clock Is Ticking. (
The city, which put inclusivity at the center of its bid, has improved access for people with disabilities, but with the opening ceremony about 12 weeks away, obstacles remain.
TDRA supports the implementation of National Digital Accessibility Policy (
In the context of enhancing the digital knowledge society and economy, the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA) emphasizes the significance of implementing the principles outlined in the National Digital Accessibility Policy adopted by the cabinet, to facilitate access to diverse digital services for all segments of society, including people of determination and senior citizens.
Thorny path to UHC: Kenya's struggle with inclusion and promise of digital accessibility (
Central to the failure in achieving UHC for Persons with Disabilities is the enduring dearth of accessible health information and services.
City committee aims to add braille, sign language to improve accessibility (
People whose hearing and eyesight are impaired may soon have better access to decisions made at city council.
Increasing accessibility with new mobility maps (
Navigating footpaths in Maryborough and Hervey Bay is set to become easier for pedestrians with disabilities, parents with prams, and elderly citizens, thanks to the introduction of new mobility maps.
Banks and lenders improve accessibility for deaf customers (
Banks and lenders have made steps forward in offering better accessibility support to deaf customers.
SigningBanks UK is working to improve access to banking for people who use sign language and those with hearing loss. (
By helping Banks & Financial Services become more deaf friendly.
In a Historic Mexican City, Wheelchair Accessibility Is an Uphill Battle (
When Ángel Joziel Román moved to San Cristóbal de Las Casas, he found the city difficult to navigate in his wheelchair. Now, he’s working to make the historic city more accessible for all.
Disabilities Beat: French business leaders' perspectives on American accessibility (
This week, we share an interview with two business leaders from the Deaf community in France who were part of the IVLP trip to Buffalo. Noémie Churlet is the founder and CEO of Médiapi, an organization that provides news and education that is accessible to the Deaf community. WBFO's Emyle Watkins and Churlet discuss media accessibility and educational opportunities for Deaf people.
How technology helped a nonspeaking autistic woman find her voice (
Jordyn Zimmerman is autistic and nonspeaking at 29, but she's still making her voice heard.
Housing Department launches accessibility assessment (
The Jackson/Teton County Housing Department announced that it’s working with The Kelsey, a non-profit specializing in disability-inclusive housing, on an assessment of accessible housing needs in Teton County.
Top barriers to eye care among Americans include cost, accessibility, health care literacy (
Cost, insurance, transport and accessibility, eye health literacy and communication were identified as major barriers to eye care among U.S. adults, with telemedicine cited as a possible solution, according to a systematic review in Cureus.
Implementer Bill Decried By Disability Rights Advocate; Key Democrat Mostly Agrees (
An advocate for the disability community is raising alarms over the budget implementer bill the legislature is debating today based on changes he says it will make in how – and in many cases, whether – disabled people will access healthcare.
Tennessee pharmacies must accommodate visually impaired patients under new policy (
About 200,000 Tennesseans are visiually impaired, and they can have a hard time managing prescription medications. That will be easier now because of a policy that went into effect this year.
This School for Autistic Youth Can Cost $573,200 a Year. It Operates With Little Oversight, and Students Have Suffered. (
No state agency has authority over Shrub Oak, one of the country's most expensive therapeutic boarding schools. As a result, parents and staff have nowhere to report bruised students and medication mix-ups.
How can schools prepare for ADA digital accessibility requirements? (
A new U.S. Department of Justice rule aims to ensure that state and local government web content and mobile apps are accessible for people with disabilities.
How can public colleges prepare for ADA digital accessibility requirements? (
A new Justice Department rule aims to ensure state and local government web content and mobile apps are accessible for people with disabilities.
Rethinking how dyslexia is diagnosed (
Dyslexia affects one in every 5 Americans. But only 2 million are diagnosed and receive the help they need. Why?
I-Team: Disabled vets say Maine's rollout of tax break left them in the dark, out money (
Some disabled veterans say they're just learning about the law that exempts them from paying the state's vehicle excise tax, two-and-a-half years later.
TLC wants out of taxi accessibility agreement (
The class-action lawsuit was filed in 2011.
City Ordered to Fix Broken Pledge to Make Half of Taxis Wheelchair-Accessible (
With fewer than one in three cars outfitted for people with disabilities despite landmark 2013 deal, Manhattan federal judge demands speedy plan to boost numbers.
Disability as the Next Step in DEI Explored at Annual Meeting (
Speakers at the APA Annual Meeting share insights regarding to disability, both in patients and in clinicians.
Canada aims to tackle air travel accessibility issues in national summit today (
The federal government is co-hosting a summit aimed to improve accessibility on air travel and remove barriers faced by passengers with disabilities.
Federal ministers hold national summit on mistreatment of airline passengers with disabilities (
Wrapping up the National Air Accessibility Summit on Thursday, federal ministers said the airline industry has agreed to adopt a common medical form and explore improved data-sharing but did not announce new penalties for mistreating travellers with disabilities.
British Airways Embarks on New Initiative to Improve Customer Experience for Accessibility Needs (
British Airways convened its inaugural Customer Access Advisory Panel, marking the commencement of an initiative to engage with community members for enhancing the overall experience of customers with accessibility needs. The airline’s commitment to delivering a seamless experience for all underscores its dedication to meeting the diverse requirements of its clientele.
'We can, and we must, do better': First-ever Air Accessibility Summit hits Ottawa (
Passengers who say they've been mistreated by Canadian airlines had the national stage today as federal ministers, airline executives and accessibility advocates gathered for the first-ever Canadian Air Accessibility Summit.
'It's an extension of my body': accessibility advocates say airlines need to change (
Maayan Ziv knows all too well the problems that can come from giving her motorized wheelchair to a stranger when she gets on a plane.
Blind Sask. boy heading to international braille competition hopes to increase accessibility for visually impaired (
A Saskatchewan boy who qualified for an international braille competition in Los Angeles next month hopes he can inspire change in his home province.
Accessibility matters: ISV.Online skills testing versus traditional assessment centres (
Assessment centres have been common in testing candidate skills in more detail, enabling recruiters to see how candidates react to different scenarios and challenges. Although it is helpful to assess suitability of candidates further than their CVs, those who have physical disabilities could very well be disadvantaged. For instance, the lack of ease of going to the venue, and little to no accessibility facilities. Let’s explore how online skills testing can help!
Intel Accessibility Leader Darryl Adams Talks Disability Inclusion In New Interview (
What I wrote in my lede then remains relevant now: Most people don’t associate Intel with accessibility and assistive tech, but they should.
The Critical Need For Training And Resources for Disability-Inclusive Journalism (
Reframing Disability has hit the six-month mark! It has dropped in your inboxes consistently every other Friday since November 2023, and I’m delighted to publish the fourteenth issue today. Thanks to each one of you who has supported me by reading, subscribing and sharing my newsletter.
Accessibility of payment services for vulnerable groups deteriorating (
Consumers from vulnerable groups such as senior citizens, disabled people and those with low digital skills experience a decline in the accessibility and availability of payment services. This seems to be related to the fact that banks increasingly digitalise their services and close branches. At the same time, the accessibility and availability of payment services for average consumers are still adequate. This has emerged from research by De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) on behalf of the National Forum on the Payment System (NFPS). The NFPS has drawn up an action plan to counter the negative impact of current developments on vulnerable groups.
Essential resources for learning web accessibility: a comprehensive guide (
In my current role, I’ve been leading a web accessibility initiative, continuously improving my skills and fostering an accessibility-focused culture within the company.
Moving beyond transparency to accessibility and awareness (
Useful school transparency requires a shift from simply providing information to actively ensuring its comprehension and usability.
Podcast [English World] Episode 44: Global Accessibility Awareness Day (
Kyodo News presents a bilingual podcast for English learners about the ins and outs of news writing in the World Services Section and how to translate tricky Japanese phrases into English.
How Global Accessibility Awareness Day builds relationships with allies (
When I’m explaining Global Accessibility Awareness Day to people outside the a11y community, I say it’s a bit like Glastonbury for the digital accessibility world. People across the globe coming together in person and online to scream and holler and evangelise about bigger and better accessibility solutions for people who don’t access digital products in what might be considered the traditional way.
Accessibility remains a challenge in some small towns for kids with disabilities (
When your child has a disability, there’s a lot to worry about. Getting them from one place to the next can, unfortunately, be one of those worries, especially in small towns.
Increasing tourism accessibility benefits the entire community (
A dozen Skagwegians met in the Visitor Center to learn how to better accommodate travelers with disabilities. They learned that making the town more accessible benefits everyone. KHNS reporter Melinda Munson has this story.
Lawsuits Say Charging Extra for Lactose-Free Options Violates ADA (
A class action lawsuit is suing Dunkin’ for $5 million for charging extra for its lactose-free options. The lawsuit claims the company formerly known as Dunkin’ Donuts is violating the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with its pricing practice.
Join Disability Advocates for 6th annual Absolutely Accessible Kent (
Join Disability Advocates for 6th annual Absolutely Accessible Kent
Agencies were reluctant to redesign websites, New Hampshire CIO says (
New Hampshire Chief Information Officer Denis Goulet said training and evangelizing have been key activities for a major website redesign project.
WCAG after quarter of a century – we still need more awareness (
Quarter of a century later and we still don't have enough awareness, support, knowledge, buy-in for accessibility. It is improving, but slowly, we need even more advocates.
Rock of Hope: Confronting Stuttering, Incarceration, and Rebirth (
"ROCK OF HOPE" centers Jay and his journey navigating life with a stutter, using his life lessons to advocate for criminal justice reform that leads to his own freedom. This film is for the millions of people who stutter, for those who ever felt misunderstood, dumb, or hopeless. You are not alone.
Faces of Baltimore Museums: Rachel Leeds (
Have you heard about AAM 2024 in Baltimore this month? (We hope so—we’re doing our best!) If so, you might have seen one of our ads for this year’s edition, featuring a lovely cast of smiling faces. But just whose faces are those? Local museum people’s!
Cherokee Nation's Journey Toward Autism Inclusivity (
Guest Opinion. Autism is a term covering many different ways of being human. In the modern world, we are just beginning to understand this complex syndrome and how to best support our friends and family members on the autism spectrum. Still, no matter what challenges and potentials our fellow community members bring, everyone deserves to feel valued, understood and accepted. As we take this journey together, let's remember to listen, learn and celebrate the beauty of our differences.
Proud Stutter (
John Finn is Chief Scientific Officer at Tome Biosciences. John opens about his personal and professional journey as a person who stutters, including how it shaped his career in science, approach to public speaking, and interactions with his colleagues. He also talks about the science behind how genetics and stuttering connect.
The Accessibility Tales: Stories from the Before Times (
This article is based on a talk Jesse Beach who supports a team of engineers at Meta and a founding contributor to the jsx-a11y-eslint-plugin, gave at A11yNYC. During the pandemic, Jesse Beach got into podcasts especially those related to history and Dungeons and Dragons.
Digital accessibility, intersectionality (
INFORMATION and communication technologies (ICT) and artificial intelligence (AI) training has been more perfunctory rather than productive, thus failing to tackle the pervasive gender divide. This signals that diversity is simply another box to tick for policymakers.
A Spotlight on Accessibility (
Celebrating vibrant people, captivating places and remarkable things, THIS is Living West Michigan!
How to make your next event accessible (
Kristyna O’Connell draws some conclusions from a recent session by Orla Pearson, founder of MyClearText and AccessLOOP and expert provider of live captions for events, who spoke on making events more accessible at the recent CHS Leeds event.
AI & Algorithms for Digital Accessibility (
This article will explore the relationship between AI & Algorithms with a focus of the impact for Digital Document Accessibility.
Redefining accessibility and inclusion with AI (
AI powered tools are creating new possibilities for people with disabilities, a major advancement from the early days of assistive technology. Cloud computing and AI are moving accessible technology to the next level, connecting devices to the internet, and boosting capabilities.
No ifs, no buts, no maybes (
Remembering Robert Martin, the language of disability, and more
In full-circle moment, author and VCU alum Ronnie Sidney II will address graduates at Accessibility Achievement Ceremony (
Social worker’s semi-autobiographical graphic novel offers inspiration through a special education student who speaks at commencement.
Assistive tech: tools you should know about (
The University provides a wide range of accessibility software to support students. This exam season, we’ve rounded up the best tools that can help you to study.
Accessibility is essential (
Last week, the UW Oshkosh Disability Advocacy group staged a walkout after compiling a 12-page document titled “Issues and Demands: Addressing ADA and 504 Violations at UW Oshkosh for Students.”
Inclusively and Salesforce Expand Partnership to Deepen Accessibility Resources and Support (
New AI interface will enable Salesforce employees to access accommodations and support in real time
AccessibleEU publishes the guide Getting to know the European legislation on accessibility (
The guide highlights the most important aspects of the existing European legislation and has been designed to be concise and easy to read.
Metro Bilbao adopts Navilens to improve accessibility for people with visual disabilities (
Complete implementation of Navilens technology in the Metro Bilbao network Metro Bilbao has taken a significant step towards inclusion and accessibility… Continue reading “Metro Bilbao adopts Navilens to improve accessibility for people with visual disabilities”
Bill introduced to create resource database for those with disabilities (
A senator from Missouri has helped to introduce a new bill that would order the creation of a resource database for those with disabilities in a bipartisan effort.
FC Barcelona supports European Diversity Month (
This May the club will be involved in a number of projects and programmes to actively foster diversity and inclusion and the building of a fairer and more accessible society.
Two local operators share in accessibility funding (
Congratulations to Capricorn Caves and Keppel Dive and Water Sports who have been successful in the Access Project Grant (as part of the $5 Million Accessible Tourism Elevate Fund released last year by the State government). The Access Project Grant provided funding of between $50,000 and $200,000 to 28 recipients totalling close to $4.45 million. These projects will support the implementation of best practice accessibility, co-designed with people with disability and deliver tangible, high impact accessibility improvements.
Leveling the Playing Field: Toward Equivalently Accessible Video Game Worlds (
Video games offer entertainment and a sense of community for many, yet for people who are blind or have low vision (BLV), these experiences are largely inaccessible. Most video games are not designed with BLV players in mind. And games specifically created for BLV players tend to lack the depth and complexity found in mainstream titles.
Can touchless technology make gaming more accessible? (
For many people, grabbing a mouse or games controller to operate their computer is second nature.
Tabletop Game Accessibility: Meeple Centred Design (
'This book contextualises this practical guidance within a philosophical framework of how the relatively abled can ethically address accessibility issues within game design.'
Readability & accessibility – Fonts Knowledge - Google Fonts (
Making our text readable should be our primary goal when setting and manipulating type. Readability—along with the closely related concepts of legibility and accessibility—is at the core of typography, and yet it’s rarely discussed thoroughly in typographic contexts. In these articles, we examine the qualities of type and typography that make reading easier.
A Brief Note on Highlighted Text (
If you plan to style text highlighted by the browser, you must give it sufficient contrast — 3:1 for the highlight block against its background and (probably) 4.5:1 for the text within that highlighted block against that background.
New Sonos app breaks accessibility for visually impaired users, here's what this advocate recommends (
The new Sonos app launched today and was met with swift and intense backlash for removing many features and capabilities that long-standing customers value. While the company made an official statement on the matter, it hasn’t appeared to address a concerning issue – the update has broken accessibility for visually impaired users.
For Koala Eco, Accessibility Means Using Healthier, More Sustainable Everyday Cleaners (
Last October, I published a story with the founders of Branch Basics. The company sells a concentrate that, when mixed with water, morphs into cleaning solutions which are environmentally-friendly, non-toxic, and fragrance-free. As I wrote, as a disabled person with respiratory sensitivity, that Branch Basics makes their cleaners fragrance-free is a big deal because my lungs won’t suffer using them. Better still, that people can order online and have products shipped directly to their doorstep means somebody like me—whose ability to get around to brick-and-mortar stores is hindered by my multitude of disabilities and lack of personal transport—can have accessibility in more ways than one.
Insytful launched ahead of GAAD to make web content accessible to all (
Zengenti, the creator of Contensis, headless content management system (CMS), has announced the launch of its new accessible site improvement platform, Insytful, in an effort to ensure web content is universally accessible for all.
10 Actionable Ways To Support People With M.E. In 2024 (
For World ME Day this year, I'm sharing ten actionable ways you can support people with M.E. and ME/CFS in 2024.
Revealed: people with cancer, arthritis and amputations among 40% denied disability benefits (
Observer finds thousands of claims for conditions including cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis are being rejected in England and Wales
Support Ms. Wheelchair Maryland 2024 in the Ms. Wheelchair America 2025 Competition (
I’m asking for your support, if you’re able to, as I compete this summer in the Ms. Wheelchair America 2025 competition. Your donations will go to the expenses involved which includes: the entry fee, travel costs,…
The Tories are making it harder for disabled people to go to the loo (
Gender neutral toilets are great for disabled people, but the Tories are using us to justify removing them
Marching Forth (
Thank you for joining us in celebrating Judy on the one-year anniversary of her passing. Donations in her honor can be made to AAPD here.
The Judith Campaign (
In our fifth Judith Campaign spotlight video, the DC Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is happy to feature Susie McFadden-Resper from the Office of Disability Rights. In the video, you hear her talk about advocacy and its importance to her. Susie also lets you into her world and her perspective on how she sees her world with a disability. This video includes captions.
The Judith Campaign (
We are excited for our 4th Judith Campaign spotlight featuring the incredible Ricardo & Donna Thorntons! Watch as this inspiring couple from Forest Haven shares their touching journey, highlighting the power of storytelling & its profound impact. This video includes captions.
The Judith Campaign (
For the third spotlight in the Judith Campaign, the DC Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) is proud to feature Thomas Mangrum. In the video, Thomas talks about his understanding of the word 'deserve.' He reminds us all that everybody, including individuals with developmental disabilities, has the right to deserve something. Thomas also emphasizes the importance of self-love. This video includes captions.
The Judith Campaign (
In our 2nd Judith Campaign spotlight, meet Anjie Shelby! Anjie shares her passion for advocacy, stressing the importance of self-advocacy. Having relied on others before, she now urges everyone to take charge, fostering strong leadership for positive change. This video includes captions.
Lift Me Up (
An international award show that recognizes and celebrates the innovation and creativity in digital and social media, by brands, agencies, nonprofits and individuals.
International Songwriting Competition (
The moment you first hear the Grand Prize winning song, “Daylight," you know it’s something special. From Kushner's incredible, soulful vocal (with its deep baritone rising to a falsetto) to the heart-grabbing melody and lyrics, the song draws you in and finds a place in your heart. Co-written by David Kushner, Robert Hubers, Jeremy Fedryk, and Josh Bruce Williams, the song is a tour de force of songwriting.
THE RIDE AHEAD festival trailer (
Samuel Habib is a typical 21-year-old, itching to move out, start a career and find love. But no one tells you how to be an adult, let alone an adult with a disability. Can a community of disability activists help him follow his dreams?
The Ride Ahead (
Samuel wants the life any average 21-year-old desires, and he’s determined that his disability will not get in the way of achieving his dreams.
The Ride Ahead (
Samuel and Dan Habib’s feature debut is a powerful coming-of-age story about holding onto dreams and exploring what the future holds for people living with disability.
The Ride Ahead (
Samuel Habib’s goals are pretty typical for a 21-year-old. Moving out of his family’s New Hampshire home. College. Establishing his career. Dating. Sex. Yet every rite of passage is fraught with challenges. Unexpected seizures and uncontrollable movements caused by his rare genetic disorder. Friends’ homes that are inaccessible to his wheelchair. His labored speech and use of a communication device are barriers to a social life. He craves more independence and a family of his own one day. Samuel is determined to avoid the statistical realities: unemployment, isolation, institutionalization. A turning point comes when he starts talking to adults with disabilities, who have been through all he is going through now. And when he begins to channel their insights, a roadmap for himself, and for other young adults like him, begins to take shape.
The Ride Ahead (
Samuel Habib is a typical 21-year-old, itching to move out, start a career, and find love. But no one tells you how to be an adult, let alone an adult with a disability. Can a community of disability activists help him follow his dreams?
The Power of 504 (
An ongoing translation project for the open caption and audio description versions of "The Power of 504"
Celebrating 20 Years of Advocacy for Disability & Military Communities (
One of your neighbors posted in Politics & Government. Click through to read what they have to say. (The views expressed in this post are the author’s own.)
Stories to Honor Women’s History Month (
Tune into the voices of women who changed the world around them through powerful love, unwavering determination, and incredible strength.
Disability Awareness (
Insights into NY's budget, advocacy for fair pay & developmental disabilities awareness.
Inspiring Women to Celebrate This International Women’s Day (
In honour of International Women’s Day 2024, Man of Many presents some of the world's most inspiring and influential women.
‘If it’s Jewish, we have it’: Inside D.C.’s new Jewish history museum (
The Capital Jewish Museum, which opened last summer, asks visitors to think about their own place in history. A new exhibit about Oct. 7 makes that task even more urgent.
12 Books To Help Kids And Teens Learn About Feminism (
A reading list about inspiring figures, empowerment and intersectional stories to help kids navigate the world.
46 Inspiring Women Who Have Changed the World for Good (
Beyond Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day, we can foster greater recognition for the contributions of women throughout history, explore their stories, and be inspired to make a positive impact ourselves.
Celebrating Women With Disabilities Who Made History (
In honor of Women's History Month, we're shining a spotlight on amazing women who have overcome barriers, challenged stereotypes, and made contributions to society. From activists and advocates to athletes and leaders, these women have left a mark on history.
10 Valuable Lessons I’ve Learned as a Disabled Traveler (
After twenty years of traveling while disabled, this is the advice I'd give my younger, newly-disabled self.
Sock it to ‘em! (
Fans of the BBC TV show Dragons’ Den will definitely remember the successful pitch by Standout Socks – and in particular, their charismatic employee, Ross.
Transport secretary considers ban on floating bus stops in UK cycle lanes (
Exclusive: Cycling campaign groups warn such a move could preclude building of segregated bike routes
Disability is no barrier (
Anna and Michael share their experience of becoming a family, through adoption.
Strawberry Field, Liverpool (
Strawberry Field is a piece of Liverpool history nestled in the leafy suburbs of Woolton on the outskirts of the city.
MPs call on spending watchdog to investigate DWP overpayments to carers (
Select committee says scale of problem, carers’ testimony and cost to taxpayer warrants second inquiry into benefits system
Go on – give it a try! (
The fantastic events of the Superhero Series are back for a seventh summer – bigger and better than ever!
Loving Elexus (
We are looking for a forever family for Elexus, a gorgeous seven-month-old baby girl with a beautiful smile and captivating, big blue eyes.
Elon Musk’s Neuralink reports trouble with first human brain chip (
It's unclear what caused the retraction or how many threads have become displaced.
Do Deaf Babies Need to Be Fixed? (
As medical science improves, the line between “sick” and “different” becomes harder and harder to draw.
Q&A with disabled MP Jane Campbell, Baroness (
Jane Campbell, also known as Baroness Campbell of Surbiton, is one of the few severely disabled MPs in the House of Lords today. Before that she’s worked as Chair of the British Council for Disabled people, Co-founder of the National Centre for Independent Living and a commissioner on the Disability Rights Commission, to name but a few.
Social Security Changes Projected Date For When Benefits Would Need To Be Cut (
Improved economic performance has prompted the federal government to push back its projection for when Social Security could run out of money to pay beneficiaries including many with disabilities.
Concerns about historic preservation delay wheelchair ramps at Como Park Conservatory (
Work on the ramps now is expected to begin this summer at the popular St. Paul attraction.
New National Park Access Guide Released! (
Check out my newest national park access guide -- Barrier-Free Travel; Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks for Wheelchair-Users and Slow Walkers
There’s a renewed push in Congress for Medicaid to cover doulas and midwives (
The Mamas First Act, introduced by Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Gwen Moore, would make the pregnancy and postpartum services from doulas and midwives reimbursable in an effort to improve access to care.
8 Wheelchair Accessible Things to Do in Chicago, Illinois (
Here are some of the best wheelchair accessible Chicago attractions and things to do the next time you visit the Windy City!
Disability Intimacy: Essays on Love, Care, and Desire by Alice Wong (
Hear from panelists featured in the anthology as they explore disability & intimacy themes tied to romance, community, caregiving and friendships. Moderated by Alice Wong.
Alzheimer's disease in people with Down syndrome: What we know and what we can do about it (
In this webinar, Dr. Michael Rafii joins the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) to discuss the latest understanding of Alzheimer's disease, recent advances in diagnostic tests and treatments for Alzheimer's disease in the general population, and why individuals with Down syndrome are at high risk for developing Alzheimer's disease. He also discusses efforts aimed at bringing these new diagnostic tests and treatments to benefit the Down syndrome community.
As the 2024 elections approach, the stakes have never been higher for the 61 million adults in the United States living with a disability. At this pivotal moment, the Center for Independent Living (CIL), a cornerstone of the disability rights movement since 1972, proudly announces the appointment of Dr. Victor Santiago Pineda as its new Executive Director. Dr. Pineda, a renowned global advocate and scholar, is set to lead CIL into a future where the hard-won victories for disability rights face both opportunities and challenges.
Sexually transmitted diseases in Minnesota are down, but HIV and newborn syphilis cases are up (
Sexually transmitted diseases in Minnesota are down, but HIV and newborn syphilis cases are up; increases in HIV cases among Hispanic Minnesotans, and syphilis cases among women, suggest emerging front in fight against sexually transmitted diseases.
'Lead for Inclusion' Aims to Make Bemidji More Accessible for Those with Disabilities (
The Initiative Foundation and the Northwest Minnesota Foundation are working to establish Lead for Inclusion, a new social enterprise in the Bemidji area that exists to co-create accessible and welcoming communities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through inclusive youth development.
Gallaudet University, School for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, To Add Women’s Varsity Triathlon (
Gallaudet is the first school for deaf and hard of hearing students, 14th Division III School to add NCAA Triathlon.
At this student encampment, Deaf protesters built a model for accessibility (
Deaf pro-Palestine students joined their hearing peers at the now-cleared George Washington University encampment. Volunteer interpreters made that multilingual organizing possible.
Ali Stroker — Award Winning Actress, Author, Singer & New Mom (
Ali Stroker is an American actress and singer who made history as the first actor in a wheelchair to appear on Broadway in Deaf West’s acclaimed 2015 revival of Spring Awakening. Ali is also the first person with a disability to be nominated for and win a Tony Award for Best Featured Actress in a Musical for her role as ‘Ado Annie’ in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! In addition to her acting and music appearances, Ali is a published author and co-author of children’s literature, including the titles The Chance to Fly and Cut Loose.
2024 Mid-Atlantic ADA Conference (
Mark your calendars to attend the 2024 ADAcon, Inclusive Hospitality & Tourism, in Wilmington, Delaware. The 2024 ADAcon is a great opportunity for networking and collaboration among hospitality and tourism industry professionals, allowing you to share experiences, exchange ideas, and work with your peers to address common challenges.
For people with disabilities, affordable accessible housing a major challenge in North Dakota (
Joe Yasenchack lucked out when he was forced to move from his closing Harvey Manor housing complex in late July 2023.
Major Museum Showcases Works By Artists With Developmental Disabilities (
More than 80 pieces created by artists with developmental disabilities are on exhibit at a prominent art museum.
Adaptive fashion: Catholic Memorial alum creates formal wear for people with physical disabilities (
Catholic Memorial alum creates formal wear for people with physical disabilities.
Why restaurant accessibility is a win for customers of all abilities (
Some technology advancements have left customers with disabilities behind. Here’s how operators should reconsider accessibility today.
Presentation on disability council gets legislators riled up against presenter (
Advocates are pushing Gov. Joe Lombardo to embrace “Employment First” policies that assist people with disabilities in finding and keeping paying jobs.
Adapted NHS bowel cancer test developed for blind and partly sighted people (
Accessible screening tool piloted by NHS England includes braille instructions and a better guide for stool sample
England Golf is proud to launch a video series championing inspiring stories of golfers to promote inclusivity within the sport.
The Role of Inclusion in Child Development and Learning (
Inclusion is about belonging. Learn more about what inclusion in child development entails and how to achieve it.
Speech Accessibility Project Now Sharing Data To Help Organizations Enhance Automatic Speech Recognition (
Discover how the Speech Accessibility Project is transforming speech recognition for individuals with speech differences, backed by leading tech companies.
Becoming an AAC ally (
Becoming an AAC ally means providing a platform for AAC users to be heard and listened to. Addressing inequities and barriers for inclusion.
Neuralink’s first implant partly detached from patient’s brain (
Some of the threads connecting the chip to the brain began to retract. The Elon Musk-owned company did not explain why
Rail companies are using access stats from mystery shoppers who pretend to be disabled (
Rail companies are using evidence on the accessibility of their rail services that has come from “mystery shopping” exercises carried out by freelance workers pretending to be disabled, Disability News Service can reveal.
Federal judge blasts city for attempt to wriggle out of accessible taxi settlement (
A federal judge on Tuesday blasted the New York City Taxi & Limousine Commission for attempting to wriggle out of its obligation to make half of the yellow cab fleet accessible for wheelchair users, and ordered the city to come up with a solution to meet the mandate of a decade-old settlement.
Nonspeaking autistic woman embarks on journey to advocate for disability rights (
At 29 years old, Jordyn Zimmerman is autistic and nonspeaking but she's making her voice heard on some of the most prestigious stages. Jamie Wax sat down with Zimmerman in her first broadcast television interview to discuss the struggles she faced growing up, the way that a communication app on an iPad changed her life and her ability to connect with others.
Is It OK For Disabled People To Have Suicidal Thoughts? (
Discussing suicidal thoughts can be challenging for any person but even more so if you have a disability or long-term health condition.
Being Diagnosed With Autism As An Adult (
David Wright, who was diagnosed with autism as an adult, shares his personal story of growing up feeling different and how a local disability charity supported him through his diagnosis and his journey to independence.
Congratulations on a decade of service to AbilityNet (
Pat Maskell and Colin Davies have offered their valuable advice and support as AbilityNet Tech Volunteers for 10 years.
The British Deaf Association (BDA), the Deaf-led membership organisation which represents the c90,000-strong Deaf signing community in the UK, has responded to media reports of a British toddler, Opal Sandy, whose hearing has reportedly been restored after becoming the first person in the world to take part in a new gene therapy trial.
Unlocking Inclusion for People with Disabilities | Aaron DeVries (
In a world where people with disabilities often face exclusion and marginalization, it's crucial to understand the challenges they encounter daily. From physical barriers in public spaces to social stigmas and misconceptions, individuals with disabilities navigate a world that isn't always designed with their needs in mind. This underscores the critical importance of empathy in creating a more inclusive society. Understanding and acknowledging these challenges is the first step toward fostering a more empathetic and inclusive community. You will learn about the foundational importance of empathy in creating inclusive communities. You will discover how personal accountability and empathy can drive meaningful change, empowering you to play a vital role in building a more inclusive and compassionate world. Aaron DeVries is the founder of The Inclusive Dad, an organization whose mission is “Building stronger communities through inclusion.” He is a 2011 graduate of USD with a MS in Administrative Studies. He is the father of two young adults. He was introduced to the world of disabilities and special education after his daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy and cerebral palsy at an early age. He has spent over 15 years advocating for inclusion for his daughter in school and the community. He has served on various boards and committees of disability related organizations. He has given a TEDx talk entitled “The Power of Inclusion."
How Oregon Prioritizes Early Childhood Inclusion (
About the Guest(s): Meredith Villines has 20+ years of working in early care and education and is currently at the Oregon Department of Education in the Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities. Meredith’s primary roles have been a classroom teacher in inclusive childcare and preschools, lead teacher in an Early Childhood Special Education classroom, Itinerant Special Early Childhood Education Teacher and Home Visitor, behavior specialist, trainer, and part-time faculty at Portland Community College.
Deaf Performer for The Acts 2024 (
We’re looking for a Deaf performer for an upcoming show called The Acts, which will be at The Pit Theatre at the Barbican Centre in November 2024.
“My dad was disabled for twenty-five years” (
The Minster for Disabled people, Health and Work speaks to Emma Tracey.
The 1st Oxford University PowerHouseGames (
Thrilled to have taken the PowerHouseGames to Oxford's famous Iffley Road. Such great inclusive fun with local schools, former NFL players, Paralympians, Olympians and Uni students.
The Canadian State Is Euthanizing Its Poor and Disabled (
Canada boasts one of the world’s highest assisted-death rates, supposedly enabling the terminally ill to die with dignity. However, this suicide program increasingly resembles a dystopian replacement for care services, exchanging social welfare for euthanasia.
A Message from Theo Braddy: Your Words Hurt Me (
I’m Theo Braddy, the Executive Director of the National Council on Independent Living, bringing you another message.
Looking back on the Disability Smart Awards 2024 ceremony (
Rebecca Elliott, Disability Business Partner at Business Disability Forum, looks back on the Disability Smart Awards Ceremony 2024, in partnership with Bloomberg, on 30 April.
Inside Google's Award-Winning Accessibility Discovery Centre (
We explore Google's Award-Winning Accessibility Centre and the team that leads it.
10 Works Of Disability Literature Taking Back Power On Crip (
In the second part of our series – Reclaiming The Word Crip – we share some of the many incredible and insightful works of disability literature that are taking back power on the terms “crip” and “cripple” in its titles and context.
The Problems with Social Media (
I think an internet/social media detox is always a good idea, even if it’s only for a week! The way we consume information is often quite damaging to our brains, and inevitably whatever we take in is warped- for instance algorithms promote rage and despair far more than anything else which can be quite depressing for our li’l ole brains!! Many videos and posts do not cite sources, and fact-checking is easily forgotten. We are not designed to take on the world’s problems, and if you’re anything like me it is hard to compartmentalise and to avoid being self critical, especially when it comes to acknowledging how little power we have to help horrendous circumstances.
Review: 'And They Lived…Ever After' Rewrites Fairy Tales Through A Disability Lens (
The anthology "And They Lived...Ever After" breathes new life into classic fairy tales through the insightful retellings of 13 disabled women writers.