Many Disability Professionals Don’t Understand Ableism
I’m Raul Krauthausen the founder of SOZIALHELD*INNEN, an NPO and consultancy from Germany, focussing on Disability Mainstreaming. With this newsletter, I share hand-picked links from around the world.
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We wrote a children’s book (in german)

Hand-picked news about inclusion, accessibilty and innovation
Many Disability Professionals Don’t Understand Ableism (
We examined what disability professionals knew about ableism
Ableism and Modern Disability Attitudes: Book Chapter (
The aim of this book chapter is to describe modern disability attitudes.
Marta Sodano - “Leave no one behind in Education” Conference (
Il 21 marzo 2019 CoorDown è stato rappresentato al quartier generale delle Nazioni Unite di New York da Marta Sodano, giovane donna di 25 anni con sindrome di Down, che è intervenuta come portavoce in occasione della conferenza mondiale “Leave no one behind in education” organizzata in occasione del World Down Syndorme Day. Insieme a numerosi speaker da tutto il mondo, Marta ha portato la sua storia e la sua esperienza educativa, che ben rappresenta quella di molti studenti italiani, condividendo le difficoltà e le conquiste della sua carriera scolastica, percorso fondamentale per la sua attuale inclusione sociale e lavorativa. E' stato proprio il tema della scuola al centro dell’evento con l’obiettivo di favorire approcci innovativi che offrano opportunità a tutte le persone, comprese quelle con sindrome di Down.
Did you miss SAINT? (
You're in luck. The live stream is available for viewing!
The Power of TV: Ensuring Authentic Disability Inclusion (
In an era where representation matters more than ever, the television industry sits at the forefront of influencing societal perspectives and norms. Learn from panelists who are driving disability inclusion both on and offscreen, as they discuss strategies for success, challenges faced when advocating for inclusivity, and what it takes to achieve greater equity in the television industry.
Yucky (
Yucky is a group exhibition that explores the personal and political complexities that exist as part of disabled experience.
Updates to “Pennies on the Dollar: The Use of Subminimum Wage for Disabled Workers across the United States” (
State updates to New America's published report ranking states on their use or elimination of subminimum wage, as well as state programs aimed at supporting competitive and integrated employment for disabled people.
Kansas plans to phase out subminimum wage for disabled people (
A 1938 law has made it legal to pay disabled people just a few dollars an hour—or less.
Divine economics (
For Allison V. Thompkins, PhD ’11, economics and spirituality are complementary pursuits, shaped by an expansive understanding of disability.
The Labor Effects of Work from Home on Workers with a Disability (
Work from home appears to have improved labor outcomes for workers with a disability in terms of unemployment, labor force participation, and wages and hours worked.
Eliminating Barriers to Employment for Disabled Women (
Federal and state policymakers can help close employment and pay gaps that disabled women experience and, in turn, improve these women’s economic security and grow the economy.
Disability Employment Hits Record High (
The number of people with disabilities across the nation who are employed is at its highest level since federal officials started keeping track.
Parents of Black autistic sons share their stories after tragic encounters with police (
"Nightline" speaks with parents of two autistic men who said the police didn't properly respond to 911 calls and led to tragic endings.
Ryan Gainer, 15-Year-Old Shot by Sheriff’s Deputy, Sparks Viral TikTok Tribute (
"He was just a kid."
Lindsay Cagley: The adaptive leader in Aspen who fights for accessibility (
Challenge Aspen's Chief Executive Officer, Lindsay Cagely, understands how important access to the outdoors is for the residents of the Roaring Fork Valley and believes in making it accessible to everyone regardless of disability or challenges.
Older Americans Act Needs to Keep Pace With Today's Older Adult Needs (
As Congress prepares to reauthorize this important law, NCOA President and CEO Ramsey Alwin testified to a Senate committee about what should be a priority. That includes increased funding because "While demand for OAA services is growing and diversifying, OAA funding is not keeping pace."
Mona Minkara talks science accessibility and the 'unseen advantage' of diversifying the lab (
This Northeastern University professor discusses her experience being blind in science and the tools that might help other researchers with disabilities.
5 DCPS families file class action lawsuit over disability accessible buses (
Joann McCray wants what all mother's want, a fair chance for her child to succeed.
Disability programs face 'severe' labor shortages in NJ, nation. Here's how to fix it (
Almost half of providers of housing and therapy for people with disabilities had to curtail services last year. Worker pay was the biggest issue.
What's the fairest way for candidates with disabilities to get on the ballot? Advocates say caucuses (
Running for office, especially for local office, can require a lot of on-the-ground campaigning. Many candidates have to go door-to-door just to get the Running for office, especially for local office, can require a lot of door-to-door campaigning just to get on the ballot. For some political hopefuls, that's just not feasible.
New website simplifies search for accessible public transportation in Michigan (
One of the barriers to accessing COVID vaccinations for the disability community has been transportation. In response, Disability Rights Michigan has unveiled an interactive guide to help users navigate the complex transportation system in the state.
Ensuring Live Events are Accessible to All (
Accessibility consultant Austin Whitney’s love of music and music festivals led to his life’s mission to improve access at events for people with disabilities.
How we can make AI less biased against disabled people (
Disability bias is rife in trained AI models, according to recent research from Penn State. Here’s what we can do about it.
NYC denies disabled people more accessible transportation (
Disability Rights Advocates have filed a motion against NYC for failing to follow through on an agreement to make cabs wheelchair accessible
How and why to disclose a disability at work (
The Massachusetts Office on Disability offered a workshop with some tips for employees in the hiring process and afterward.
Jess Curtis, Choreographer and Accessibility Champion, Has Died (
The visionary artist pushed boundaries to make dance accessible to blind and visually impaired audiences.
Paul Alexander, a Dallas man who lived most of his life in an iron lung, has died (
Paul Alexander, a Dallas polio survivor who was one of the few people left in the U.S. using an iron lung, has died. He was 78.
Paul Alexander, forced into an iron lung by polio in 1952, dies at 78 (
"More than anything, I believe he would want others to know they are capable of great things," Alexander's friend Christopher Ulmer told NPR.
Disney’s ‘Wish’ has a character with a disability. A North Texan helped them get it right (
North Texan Maddy Ullman worked on the Disney movie "Wish" as an authenticity consultant. Ullman is a Chinese American adoptee with cerebral palsy.
Following Damning Report, Casey, Colleagues Urge VA to Make Federal Websites More Accessible (
Today, U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, joined his colleagues on the Aging Committee Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), John Fetterman (D-PA), and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) to send a letter to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) urging the agency to take action to address concerns raised by a recent Office of Inspector General (OIG) report that found VA has still widely failed to make its websites fully accessible for people with disabilities. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires the federal government to make its technology accessible for and useable by people with disabilities. However, the OIG report, which was issued at Senator Casey’s request, found that between 2019 and 2022, fewer than 12 percent of VA’s public-facing websites were fully accessible, and fewer than 11 percent of its internal websites were fully accessible.
Accessibility devices will make the total solar eclipse an inclusive experience (
Eclipse events are accessible for the visually impaired.
New Brunswick mother speaks out about lack of learning disability resources in schools (
Laurel Richmond took her son, who has dyslexia and dysgraphia, out of school to support his learning. Now she's speaking out for parents in similar situations.
Staff with disability underrepresented in financial sector (
Lower education levels stop persons with disability from accessing certain jobs in Luxembourg.
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities today concluded its review of the initial report of Zambia, with Committee Experts commending the State for the work done so far, including the Persons with Disabilities Act, while asking questions about persons with albinism and land bursaries for persons with disabilities.
How an Edmonton man is helping businesses become more accessible (
How an Edmonton man is helping organizations and businesses become more accessible.
Telford PCSO to take on London marathon supporting disabled young people access sport (
A Telford Police Community Support Officer is preparing to run the London marathon to raise money for a charity helping disabled young people access sport.
Vancouver councillor calls for city to address failure to meet accessibility standards at Stanley Park Train (
Pete Fry says city council must address its failure to re-open the train in December without the wheelchair-accessible car.
Empowering Accessibility: AI Revolutionizes Art Appreciation for the Visually Impaired (
A cultural transformation is underway in the hallowed halls of the Rijksmuseum. Spearheaded by Floris Horsman, Cathelijne Denekamp, and a dedicated team of collaborators, this initiative seeks to democratize art appreciation for individuals with low vision and blindness through innovative technology and artificial intelligence (AI) integration.
RIDC and Which? address issues disabled people face when booking or attending an event (
A survey by the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RIDC) and Which? has revealed disabled consumers experience poor accessibility when booking tickets and attending some live events.
Providing proper accessibility key to bringing more international para events to India: Deepa Malik (
Former Paralympic Committee of India chief Deepa Malik said providing proper accessibility to athletes with disabilities was the key to hosting major international para competitions in the country.
Metrobus has accessibility plans for blind passengers, but resident voices concerns (
Metrobus says it's making public transportation more accessible for blind people by installing a bus stop announcement system. One blind St. John's resident says while it's a good step forward the plans are not without concerns.
Wiltshire Council to review accessibility of taxi ranks (
Wiltshire Council's review will look at issues such as dropped kerbs and suitable shelters.
'We deserve better': Disabilities community call for better accessiblity (
Members of the disabled community marched to Parliament a petition for change.
Accessibility advocate challenges city council to take a ride in a wheelchair (
Ken Biron wants everybody to know about the challenges people with mobility issues face manoeuvring city streets, sidewalks and public buildings.
Vancouver council amends Stanley Park Train accessibility motion (
A disability advocate says she's shocked after Vancouver city council voted down a motion to ensure the Stanley Park Train is accessible.
Accessibility is the housing crisis no one is talking about (
Advocates call for adoption of universal design principles to ensure easy conversion of residential units for disabled and seniors. Read on.
UN Experts Laud Azerbaijan's Inclusive Education, Question Accessibility (
The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities today concluded its review of the combined second and third periodic report of Azerbaijan, with Committee Experts recognising as positive the approval of the State's national programme for inclusive education, while asking questions about access to public transport and assisting persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies.
Accessibility issues hinder online activity, costing retailers (
By prioritising accessibility, retailers can unlock a significant and loyal customer base, boosting their online revenue.
Accessibility must become a culture, a way of life: Nakhro (
Accessibility must become ingrained in our culture and daily lives, to the point where it is no longer a topic of discussion or consideration.
One in five Aussies miss out on beach fun due to accessibility issues (
NEW data has revealed that nearly all of Australia’s beaches are out of reach for people with disabilities. According to Accessible Beaches Australia research less than 2% of the country’s beaches are wheelchair-friendly. Founder & Board Chair of Accessible Beaches Australia, Shane Hryhorec, said everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy the beach.
Neurological conditions now leading cause of ill-health worldwide, finds study (
Numbers living with or dying from disorders such as stroke rises dramatically to 3.4bn people – 43% of global population.
Bringing the Irish immigrant experience to the Boston stage (
Ronán Noone drew upon his experience and the work of Eugene O'Neill to write "Thirst," now on stage at the Lyric Stage Company. He joins The Culture Show to talk about his production.
Assistive technology has a ‘sex appeal’ problem, and it's failing disabled users, says tech founder and engineer (
Rebecca Rosenberg of ReBokeh Vision Technologies breaks down where tech is failing disabled users — and offers some potential solutions.
(Accessibility Feed) Observance of International Women's Day 2024 (
Aligned with the International Women's Day 2024 theme, "Invest in Women, Accelerate Progress", the event programme will accentuate the urgency of strategic investment and collaborative alliances, and commemorate achievements in advancing gender equality and women's empowerment.
Spatial accessibility and equity of residential care facilities in Beijing from 2010 to 2020 (
In recent years, the aging population in Beijing has rapidly increased and the demand for residential care facilities (RCFs) has also risen. As RCFs have quickly developed, the question of whether residential care resources dynamically match the changes in the demand of the elderly population is an urgent issue that must be addressed. This study analyzes the spatiotemporal variation in the supply and demand of RCFs, applies a Gaussian two-step floating catchment area method with a multi-level search radius to measure the spatial accessibility of RCFs in Beijing in 2010 and 2020, and evaluates the equity of spatial accessibility. The results show that the elderly population was decentralized from the central urban area to New Urban Development Area. However, the distribution of RCF beds shows further agglomeration towards the central urban area. The accessibility of residential care resources in the central urban area and New Urban Development Area has increased, while accessibility in Ecological Protection Area has decreased. The spatial disparities in accessibility have been reduced and the spatial equity in accessibility has been improved over the past decade. The findings provide policy recommendations for the future allocation of RCFs by considering the spatiotemporal changes in the distribution of the supply and demand of residential care resources.
LA couple who is deaf creates restaurant that offers deaf-accessible workspace (
A Los Angeles based couple who is deaf is providing opportunities for hearing impaired individuals with their deaf accessible workspace at their pizza restaurant. Gordon Tokumatsu reports for the NBC4 News on March 8, 2024.
Voice Cloning in Education: Bridging Language Gaps in Learning Environments (
Create a more inclusive, accessible learning environment for students worldwide.
Supporting accessibility in financial services: identifying the change drivers (
Read the latest news and insights from UK Finance: Supporting accessibility in financial services: identifying the change drivers.
Inspirational women leading the charge in inclusion and accessibility (
In this blog, we shine a spotlight on some of the inspiring women who have emerged as leaders in the realm of inclusion and accessibility for International Women's Day 2024.
A surprising trend at South by Southwest: Accessibility (
The number of sessions, events and award nominations focused on digital inclusion for people with disabilities at this year’s conference was noteworthy.
Recruiting via Video: Balance Efficiency with Accessibility (
Companies whose websites are not accessible to people with disabilities may be at risk of being sued. Accessibility can also have a disparate impact for candidates who may be economically disadvantaged or live in areas with limited connectivity.
iPhone Live Captions Wow My 91 Year Old Dad (
My 91 year old father Saul Feingold (pictured here) is a role model of aging. He looks forward and not backward. He has no regret for what he can no longer do and is thrilled with what he can. He's lucky and he knows it.
Addressing intersections of gender and disabilities (
Although Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 5 for gender equality and International Women’s Day, instilling the spirit of the goal, do not explicitly focus on women with disabilities, they consistently focus on the empowerment of all women and leaving no one behind. How do we ensure that we empower all women across the board? For that, it’s important to first look the entire picture.
5 Good Jobs For People With ADHD (
Discover the top jobs for people with ADHD, offering fulfillment and success. Explore tailored career options suited to dynamic ADHD minds.
Devising devices with accessibility in mind (
‘Baking’ accessibility into the household can make the day brighter for everyone.
Don’t shut the door behind you (
Gatekeeping undermines the disability movement
Hot Docs, North America’s largest documentary festival, has unveiled the lineup of films that will screen in its Special Presentations program.
How accessibility affects people in the real world (
How do you navigate a website without hands? How do you use the Internet without sight? Here are some practical examples of assistive technology.
Mona Foma – working to increase accessibility (
Accessibility is not a 'one and done' issue, but festivals like Mona Foma are working to ensure that people who are disabled can enjoy their programs too.
Coding accessibility principles (
Web accessibility is the ability for a person with a disability to understand and use a web site, application, intranet, or program. It allows people with disabilities to access information like anyone else; interact with others without being classed as “disabled” and allows them to undertake activities which they may not otherwise be able to do.
Bringing access to all areas (
From his successful finance career to a host of senior roles at charities for the disabled, Gordon Richardson has always had accessibility in mind – which has led to the award of an MBE.
Accessible Field Museum (
Embark on an exciting journey of discovery at the renowned Field Museum, nestled on Museum Campus at 1400 South Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, Illinois. Morgan Beatty, the Visitor Center Coordinator, ensures that every guest’s needs are met to create a memorable experience for all. Join Michael Herzovi, an actor and solo performance artist, as he explores the diverse exhibits at the Field Museum. From King Tut to Sue the T-Rex and the Spinosaurus, every corner of the museum offers a wealth of knowledge and wonder. Experience the Field Museum’s commitment to accessibility, with free wheelchairs available at all entrance doors, auditory and tactile guides, and sensory bags for visitors with sensory issues.
When ‘accessible’ isn’t enough (
MPR News host Angela Davis talks with a reporter and two advocates about the disability gaps that still exist in Minnesota.
WCAG 2.2 Detective Skills (
Super clues to help teams crack the case wide open: improving accessibility for websites and services with the help of new WCAG 2.2 criteria.
Are You a Student with a Hidden Disability? You may Qualify for a Study and Receive Compensation! (
Kimberly Williams MS, PhD(C) is enrolling African American and non-African American students for a research study "Exploring the Matriculation and Resource Utilization of African Americans with Hidden Disabilities in the Health Sciences" to understand your experiences of having as disability and being a student in the Health Sciences. Subjects must be 18 or older, enrolled in any of the colleges of UTHSC, and be of any race. Subjects will be asked to complete a brief demographic survey and do a 60-90 minute interview via Zoom or in person. At the completion of the interview, students will be compensated with a $25 Amazon e-gift card. Please contact Kimberly Williams at or 901-448-1343.
Pepperdine Community Members with Disabilities to Host Fifth Annual Disability Awareness Week with Student-Organized Events (
From Monday, March 11 to Friday, March 15, 2024, members of the Pepperdine community will host the fifth annual Disability Awareness Week.
VCU professor uses 3D to bring life – and accessibility – to upcoming museum exhibit (
Bernard Means and his Virtual Curation Laboratory are re-creating mastodon fossils for a historic Baltimore museum’s tactile display, along with a new comic that puts the ‘Mouse’ in the house.
Accessibility in UM’s digital spaces (
The University of Manitoba is the university for Manitobans. And in Manitoba, 29.2% of people over the age of 15 have at least one disability, according to Statistics Canada.
A total solar eclipse is a breathtaking phenomenon and UTSA is doing its part to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to experience this once-in-a-lifetime event. UTSA participated in a nationwide effort to build LightSound devices, which convert light into sound to make solar eclipses more accessible to people who are blind or have low vision.
UM and B.C. researchers collaborate to improve wheelchair technology and accessibility (
As anyone living in Canada knows, the northern climate can create barriers to mobility, especially during the winter months, even for those without physical impairments.
New approach means better connection, easier accessibility to support students (
News, information and events for University of Notre Dame faculty, staff and their families. This is your Notre Dame.
Black Deaf Lives Matter: Advocating for Equity, Access in Higher Education (
Educator and author Lissa Ramirez-Stapleton has advocated with and for Deaf students of color to ensure equity and access to education. Educator and author Lissa Ramirez-Stapleton has advocated with and for Deaf students of color to ensure equity and access to education.
WWU’s design department struggles with outdated facilities and accessibility issues (
For the past 20 years, the design department at Western Washington University has tried to secure funding to resolve their ongoing frustrations with the conditions of the Fine Arts Facilities.
Professor strives to improve web experience for ‘every body’ (
Mercer University assistant professor Dr. Philip Gallagher is working to make online communication more useful, usable and accessible for everyone.
A failing dependency on digital learning platforms (
Opinion: “Slowly, digital learning platforms are becoming an integral part of schooling, but should it be?”Hailey Furilla writes.
It's time to address the accessibility issues within UASU elections (
Year after year, accessibility has been a huge issue within UASU elections, and this year is no different. It's time to address it.
Voice Control is a great hidden feature in macOS that gives you hands-free control of your Mac (
Voice Control: redefining Mac interaction, one voice command at a time.
Improving accessibility in vertical farms (
Vertical farms can be narrow spaces with many hard-to-reach corners, making it difficult for those with mobility needs to be operators. Even the premise of vertical farming - growing more using less space - doesn't lend itself to thinking of it as a spacious or accessible work environment. Why does this matter? Local food is better when it's accessible to all - from those who get to eat it to those who get to grow it.
Accessibility in love (
Continuing to shine a light on female voices in contemporary theatre, which began with Lena Kitsopoulou’s play CRY, the Larnaca 2030 team presents the work Bodies We Fall For next. On March 29, two young women will unfold their truth and the raw, accessible, and inclusive reality about finding Love. The performance at Skala Municipal Theatre is based on real narratives and questions exactly what its title suggests: which bodies do we fall for?
Fable Updates Leading Accessibility Training Platform with IAAP Certifications, Product Management, Design Research Courses (
IAAP designates Fable Upskill as approved training preparation provider for CPACC, WAS certifications.
Building beyond regulations: Accessibility chair ensures lasting accessibility after the Para Nordic Games (
More protocols can be observed during the Para Biathlon and Para World Cup finals than during an event for able-bodied individuals.
Apple reveals host of new accessibility updates, including controlling Apple Watch without touching it (
Apple has revealed a host of accessibility updates, focused on making its products more useful to everyone. The new features have been revealed to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day and will be coming later this year. Apple says that it is able to do so by harnessing sensors inside the Watch, which can then be used to track how a person’s muscles and tendos are moving.
Microsoft is developing tech that would let users write with their eyes, a huge win for accessibility (
The Eye-Gaze could change the game.
Rego Payment Architectures, Inc. Launches Accessibility Features for the Visually Impaired (
Leading, white-labeled youth banking platform announces features that enable families with visual impairments to improve financial literacy.
Game-changing new free specification enables interoperable reuse and accessibility for PDF (
The PDF industry is taking a massive leap forward in addressing the need for a common specification for reuse and accessibility in PDF through the PDF Association's Well-Tagged PDF: Using Tagged PDF for Accessibility and Reuse in PDF 2.0 (WTPDF) specification.
Zamperla celebrates launch of accessible Magic Bikes ride at Morgan's Wonderland (
Zamperla has announced that it has collaborated with the highly acclaimed accessible theme park Morgan's Wonderland.
Braille Music Software for Blind: Magnified Music for Low Vision by Dancing Dots (
For braille music software, check out Dancing Dots offering braille music reading and editing software for blind and low vision performers since 1982!
You'll soon be able to summon accessibility features in Copilot in Windows 11 (
Copilot in Windows 11, Microsoft's popular AI assistant, is getting interesting makeovers, among other things.
iOS 18 could add a trio of new accessibility features to make life easier (
Voice shortcuts, categories, and larger fonts.
Local App developer on a mission to make Toronto more accessible (
An app that helps make cities across Canada more accessible for people living with disabilities is looking to expand it’s reach. Melissa Nakhavoly speaks to the local app developer hosting an event to map out more accessible Toronto locations.
Glasgow Airport trials accessibility technology (
The Connected Places Catapult, the UK’s innovation accelerator for cities, transportation and place leadership, has launched a set of accessibility technology trials in collaboration with Glasgow Airport in Scotland.
Accessible Performing Arts Centers in Florida (
A grand production can dazzle, enrich the spirit and feed the soul - an experience accessible to all in these Florida venues.
AI-Powered Digital Document Accessibility (
Adobe has made a significant advancement in digital document accessibility and processing by integrating AI-powered tools into its PDF services. Through the launch of an AI-powered PDF Accessibility Auto-Tag API, for example, Adobe aims to automate the tagging of PDF content structures.
MAC Faucets Unveils Accessible Bathroom Collection (
The Accessible Bathroom Collection is designed with a focus on inclusivity, comfort, and safety for everyone's bathroom experience.
Accessibility-Enhancing Beauty Packaging (
The Boticário Group's Inclusive Accessories initiative aims to enhance the beauty routine of individuals with disabilities or motor limitations in the upper limbs. This innovative partnership with Mercur resulted in the creation of adhesive bases and thickeners to aid in the usability of beauty products. These features are meant to facilitate the opening and application of various beauty products in Boticário's range of skincare.
Music Resources for the Blind and Visually Impaired (
Music resources for people who are blind or have visual impairments, including music technology tools for the blind, learning music with or without braille, solutions for low vision music students, and more.
Accessible Design (
At Paralyzed Veterans of America, we seek to promote an accessible, barrier free environment for all veterans and people with disabilities. Access to public building and structures should be a fundamental right – and requires architectural design that makes public and private buildings, structures, entrances and other facilities wheelchair accessible.
Volunteer Linkup (
There are over 4.4 million people in Australia living with disability. There are over 4.2 million people in Australia who are over 65 years old. Many of these people need help with regular daily tasks that Government health and support schemes don’t cover.
Volunteer Linkup (
Contrast Finder, find correct color contrasts for web accessibility (WCAG) (
Contrast-Finder finds correct color contrasts for web accessibility (WCAG). This helps you in satisfying web accessibility (a11y) tests on contrasts. Contrast-Finder is designed to be used by webdesigners, web developers or web accessibility professionals to improve the readability of HTML pages and websites.
Accessible Computer Games: Game Lab at TU Graz provides accessibility toolkit for game engine Unity (
This makes it easier for game developers to implement game aids for people with disabilities. The toolkit focuses on players with visual impairments.
5 Best How-To Websites That Will Be Useful for Website Developers (
Overview of essential How-To websites for web developers and web designers offering insights into trends, methods, and tools for all skill levels.
Game lab provides accessibility toolkit for the game engine Unity (
The growing popularity of video games is putting an increased focus on their accessibility for people with disabilities. While large productions are increasingly taking this into account by adding accessibility features, this aspect is usually completely absent in indie productions due to a lack of resources.
Game Accessibility at GDC 2024 (
Here are the panels related to accessibility at GDC 2024.
Happy Neurodiversity Celebration Week! (
We are celebrating the plethora of neurotypes, from March 18th to 24th!
I Am Tired, I Don’t Know Where Else to Go (
I met Oleksii[1], an internally displaced person (IDP) shelter resident in Lviv, during an accessibility monitoring visit in autumn 2023 as part of the Fight For Right project. A middle-aged man caught my attention, so we began talking. Oleksiy said that he evacuated to Lviv from the occupied city of Zaporizhzhia region, has been living in the shelter for over a year and has a disability due to a childhood head injury. We arranged a follow-up discussion to explore his life and escape from occupation in further detail.
Labour has not got long to find its moral compass (
Letters: Peter Riddle says voters fear they will get Tory-lite policies and calls for honesty, while Carl Gardner says the party should make the UK attractive to struggling people, not big business. Plus letters from Martyn Taylor and Michael Meadowcroft
Five Great Articles By Barry Corbet (
Signature New Mobility pieces that display Corbet’s unmistakable synergy of intelligence, humility and voice.
Human-in-the-Loop Dubbing: The Key to Engaging Global Content (
Learn what human-in-the-loop (HITL) means and how it supports high-quality AI dubbing experiences for global viewers.
empower: Breaking Barriers, Building Futures (
Read all about our first ever empower Roadshow!
Beyond 6 Seconds: Down syndrome, leadership & advocacy – with David Egan (
David Egan is a leader and advocate who promotes the causes of people with disabilities. He is the first person with Down Syndrome to serve as a Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Public Policy fellow on Capitol Hill and with the National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS). As a Special Olympics athlete and International Global Messenger, David has traveled extensively and speaks to diverse audiences, including the U.S. Senate, United Nations, and various universities, nonprofit and for-profit companies. David has also received many awards throughout his career. He was honored by NDSS for his legacy, presented with the American Association for Intellectual Disabilities Media Award, and received the Global Down Syndrome Foundation’s highest honor: the Quincy Jones Exceptional Advocacy Award. As the author of the book “More Alike Than Different: My Life with Down Syndrome,” he inspires his audiences to see our shared humanity and focus on abilities and possibilities rather than limitations.
Disabled Poets Prize 2024: Celebrating The Creative Minds Of Deaf & Disabled Poets (
The Disabled Poets Prize, which looks to find the best work created by UK-based deaf and disabled poets, announced its 2024 winners.
Down's Syndrome Awareness Week 2024 (
Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week is a national campaign to help people to understand what life is like for people who have Down’s syndrome
Setting Boundaries of Your Storytelling (
Learn how to share some personal details about yourself in a way that feels comfortable without feeling the need to disclose everything.
For Marylanders with spinal gunshot injuries, financial and emotional costs run high on road to resilience (
Survivors of life-altering gunshot injuries to the spine must navigate overwhelming physical, financial and emotional challenges.
Resources For Disabled Farmers & Gardeners (
List focuses on information FOR disabled growers, not ABOUT how good gardening is for us. as always hmu if you have more resources to add.
Advancing Disability Climate Justice in the Courts (
Assessing Strategies for Including Persons with Disabilities through Litigation around the World.
Ending the Mass Incarceration of Persons of Color with Disabilities (
Toward Intersectional Solutions to Transform Policing.
Uber and Lyft's Minnesota Exodus: A Critical Look Through the Lens of Disability Inclusion and Implicit Bias (
If you live in Minnesota you’ve heard the news: Uber and Lyft have announced their withdrawal from the state in response to a city council policy mandating a $15.57 minimum wage for drivers.
Max Fisher (
Max is a DeafBlind, Disabled, and Genderqueer scientist working in the field of nanomedicine. They graduated from Nottingham Trent University in 2018 with a BSc and an MRes in Pharmacology. Due to their disabilities and the global Covid-19 pandemic, they experienced an extended period of unemployment. During this time, they started a YouTube channel to shine a light on their disabilities, including their rarest condition: cold urticaria. In 2022, they got their first job in the STEM field as a cell line engineer. In this role, they launched their company’s global disability employee resource group, which enabled disabled staff members to find community, seek support where needed, and feel empowered. At the end of 2023, they took on a new role as a senior research associate with a nanomedicine company, where they are thriving. Max has been an LGBTQ+ advocate since they came out 14 years ago, and disability advocacy followed in their late teens. They have worked with charities across the UK to highlight and celebrate the intersection of queerness and disability, earning them Person Of The Year 2022 from the UK’s leading DeafBlindness charity: Sense.
A Brooklyn School Pioneers New Ways to Teach Children With Disabilities (
At P.S. 15 in Red Hook, a unique program for students with intellectual disabilities could serve as a model for other New York City schools.
Chinese Scientists Create Flexible Sensor Sticker for Gesture-Based Communication and Assistive Technology (
Discover the groundbreaking wearable sensor developed by Chinese scientists that translates subtle movements into words or commands for assistive tech.
Belonging as a vision impaired person in a visual world (
As a vision impaired person, the concept of 'fitting in' and 'belonging' has always felt foreign to me. Let's talk about why.
The Power of 504 (open caption, english) (
Award-winning 18-minute documentary video, which captures the drama and emotions of the historic civil rights demonstration of people with disabilities in 1977, resulting in the signing of the 504 Regulations, the first Federal Civil Rights Law protecting people with disabilities. Includes contemporary news footage and news interviews with participants and demonstration leaders. Available in open caption, audio descriptive and standard formats.
Things People With Down's Syndrome Are Tired Of Hearing (
"People say: 'Oh bless her! Isn't she lovely? How old is she?' Infantilization? Do one."
The Motability Scheme’s Big Event is back with an electrifying line-up for 2024 (
The Big Event programme is returning for 2024, with a new focus on electric motoring. This year, visitors can look forward to the biggest ever programme of accessible motoring events, as for the first time, all events will run over two days, giving visitors more opportunity to experience what the Scheme has to offer.
ASSUME THAT I CAN | World Down Syndrome Day 2024 (
Our negative assumptions about people with Down syndrome can lead us to treat them in such a way that these assumptions become reality. In sociology, this is called a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’. Why not reverse our perspectives? If we have positive assumptions about people with Down syndrome, we'll give them more opportunities in their schools, workplaces, relationships and activities. And maybe these positive assumptions will become reality.
Lawyer, Author and TikTok Star Spent 72 Years in an Iron Lung (
Paul Alexander, who died at 78, was paralyzed with polio at age 6 and relied on the machine to breathe. Still, he was able to earn a law degree, write a book and, late in life, build a following on TikTok.
Disability dating sites: we round up the best | Disability Horizons (
Our March 2024 updated popular round-up of disability dating sites, we talk you through the dating sites aimed at helping you find love.
20 books with a disabled character as the lead or focus of the story (
Discover an updated list of books featuring authentic and diverse representation of disabled characters that promote disability visibility.
IWD: International Women’s Day: When is it and why is it important? (
When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world.
Brain chips: the Sydney researchers ‘miles ahead’ of Elon Musk’s Neuralink (
Multiple Australian projects are on the cutting edge of neurotech breakthroughs and man-machine interfaces – raising questions of security and privacy for human minds
“How do you go blind?” – my favourite answers from children (
As a blind person regularly visiting primary schools since Nicky and Candy’s Street, children often ask me how people go blind.
'I am more than what you see': disability activist on value of life (
A Toronto organization wants you to see people with disabilities as just that — people. Their storytelling "seeks to explore a different perspective, [one that] contradicts the narrative that disability is a fate worse than death," the organization says.
Introducing Project Gameface: A hands-free, AI-powered gaming mouse (
Project Gameface, a new open-source hands-free gaming mouse has the potential to make gaming more accessible.
Disability Language: Here's What to Do (
Learn about disability language and how words can affect people with disabilities. It's important to use respectful and inclusive language.
X-S Everyone deserve access to excess (
X-S (Everyone deserve access to excess) aims to make cultural events more inclusive and accessible to people with a disability/chronic illness and neurodiverse people.
Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization (
The Global Coalition on Deinstitutionalization (GC-DI) is a collection of eight of the leading international organizations of persons with disabilities and civil society organizations, formed around the collective goal of promoting the right to independent living and inclusion in the community for persons with disabilities, under Article 19 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 (
The Fundamental Rights Forum 2024 brings together people from across Europe to spark fresh thinking about the pressing fundamental rights issues facing Europeans today.
Artificial Intelligence and Independent Living (
A presentation by the European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) as part of SDS Scotland's SDS National Voice conference 2024
AHEAD Conference 2024 (
The AHEAD annual international conference will run from Wednesday March 20th to Thursday March 21st 2024.
Is the EU financing the segregation of Disabled People? (
A message from our Human Rights Officer Rita Crespo Fernandez.
The Your Accessibility Guide portal is here! (
Introducing the latest offering from AccessAble
OPINION | Intentional inclusion is a great way to get everyone in the pool (
Coaches and staff of pools should understand the history of Black communities and swimming in order to support different swimmers and families, writes Shireen Ahmed.
Should severe menopause symptoms be a disability? One country thinks so. (
A U.K. watchdog said workplaces should bring in “reasonable adjustments” for employees who suffer from severe menopausal symptoms.
Normalizing Disability: Janie Lynn Heinrich stresses importance of mobility dogs (
MobilityDog executive director Janie Lynn Heinrich longs for the public to understand the word “disabled.”
New documentary gives a human face to disability in Japan (
With its calm and peaceful depiction of a farm where people with disabilities work, a Japanese documentary film aims to give audiences a clear-eyed view into the everyday lives of people who are often kept in the shadows.
CentraCare Launches New 1,000 Conversations Podcast as a Deep Dive Into Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (
(KNSI) - CentraCare is launching a new podcast series to "build a more inclusive central Minnesota."
Intellectual disability: escaping from neglect (
Europe needs to see itself through the eyes of the millions of Europeans with intellectual disabilities—and act accordingly.
Madonna's comments at concert highlights impact of casual ableism (
The singer questioned why a fan was sitting down without realizing they were in a wheelchair
Brock employees, student honoured for accessibility, inclusion allyship (
Three members of the Brock University community were recognized Monday, Dec. 4 for their ongoing, daily contributions to anti-ableism, accessibility and inclusion.
NMBS/SNCB Introduces first self-accessible train carriage (
The Belgian National Railway Company (NMBS/SNCB) has unveiled the first of 130 double-decker M7 carriages designed for autonomous access. This aims to make train travel more inclusive for all passengers, including those with reduced mobility or using wheelchairs. The presentation took place at Alstom’s train manufacturing facility in Bruges, where the pioneering carriage was showcased.
US DOT proposes rule to improve air travel for wheelchair users (
US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has announced a new proposed rule from the US Department of Transportation that would ensure airline passengers who use wheelchairs can travel safely and wit
Ade Adepitan to front Spanish accessibility and social inclusivity initiative (
TV personality Ade Adepitan is to front a new Spanish Tourist Office campaign designed to underline the country’s commitment to improving accessibility and social inclusivity within the travel and tourism sector.
Accessible Travel: 10 Ways in Which YOU Can Make a Difference (
If you’re reading this then there’s a solid chance that you know, firsthand, just how important good accessibility is. You’ll also know how wonderfully freeing it can be to enjoy some accessible travel, and how difficult it can be at times to find the right resources, places to visit, and businesses that have taken the time to ensure their premises are accessible for all. But what if you want to do more to make a change? Perhaps you are a business owner yourself, looking for advice on what you need to do to make sure you’re heading in the right direction when it comes to accessibility. Maybe you’re a disabled person, like me, and just want to brush up on how to be a better advocate. Whatever your reason for stumbling across this blog post, I’m glad you did.
Gainesville author speaks on disability, queerness and activism in a changing world (
Sandra Gail Lambert is a prominent author living in Gainesville who writes fiction, a memoir and many personal essays about her experience as a disabled lesbian activist.
Long COVID (
According to the Centers for Disease Control, some people who have had COVID-19 can experience long-term effects, known as post-COVID conditions or Long COVID and its associated conditions. Long COVID can include a wide range of ongoing health problems and can last weeks, months, or years.
Covid vaccines cut risk of virus-related heart failure and blood clots, study finds (
Researchers say jabs substantially reduce for up to a year the chances of serious cardiovascular complications.
Roatan’s Mayan Divers And Turquoise Divers Receive Adaptive Training (
In February, Roatan’s Turquoise Divers and Mayan Divers completed adaptive dive buddy training and certification.
Minneapolis schools data shows high absenteeism for disabled kids (
Some 1,600 special education students don’t get to school regularly. At some schools, more than three-fourths miss weeks of class.
unseen (
A Journey Of Independence With Spina Bifida (
Disability blogger and advocate Daniella Jade Lowe, who lives with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, shares her determination and resilience to be independent.
Steptics will weltweit Menschen mit Amputationen den Zugang zu Hochleistungsprothesen ermöglichen (
Auf diesem Blog widme ich mich periodisch dem Thema Sportprothesen. Und auch wenn sich in diesem Bereich in den letzten Jahren viel getan hat, so haben leider noch immer viel zu wenige Menschen mit Amputationen Zugang zu diesen Prothesen. Für die meisten von uns sind sie schlichtweg nicht erschwinglich. Daher horche ich immer auf, wenn ein*e neue*r Spieler*in auf dem Markt antritt, um sich eben dieses Problems anzunehmen. Eine dieser neuen Firmen ist steptics. Und heute habe ich das Vergnügen mit Toni Padilla, einem der Mitbegründer von steptics zu sprechen. Toni ist 34 Jahre alt und kümmert sich bei steptics um Marketing, um den Vertrieb und die Finanzen.
A 'Stellar' Achievement - completing the six-star medal (
Rob Smith has been wheelchair racing for over twenty years. This year he headed to Tokyo to complete a very special, six-star challenge.
BDA kicks off Sign Language Week 2024 with early years campaign: “BSL In Our Hands” (
The British Deaf Association (BDA) is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking "BSL In Our Hands" early years campaign to mark Sign Language Week 2024, which will take place from 18-24 March.
31 Lessons Learned Living with Cerebral Palsy (
Living with cerebral palsy (CP) proves quite a learning experience. Lessons learned emerge from physical challenges and more.
Navigating Recruitment AI in BIPOC and Disabled Communities (
In this article, we will delve into how Recruitment AI is impacting the hiring experiences of BIPOC individuals with disabilities.
Unveiling Health Challenges of Black Women with Disabilities (
This article discusses the intersection of racism, sexism, and ableism and their impact on healthcare for Black women with disabilities.
Equipment for People with Cerebral Palsy (CP) (
I began reflecting seriously on this question in 2007, when I took an integrated dance class. I, whose experience with mobility devices had previously been limited to stints on a walker or forearm crutches between operations throughout my childhood, was struggling one day to accomplish the choreography on my uncooperative feet. In a moment of generosity as well as great insight, my classmate, also a person with CP, lent me her wheelchair in order for me to try the choreography again. It worked, and I got a crash course not only in how to dance in, but also how to operate, a manual wheelchair.
Becoming Howard(22 1/2 min) (
This engaging documentary tells the heartwarming story of Howard, a 55-year-old crossing guard in California with autism, as he attends his high school reunion in Indiana. The film poignantly captures Howard’s journey of reconciliation with former classmates who were unkind to him during his teenage years. Now, Howard is an advocate against bullying, sharing his experiences and insights through a blog that has garnered support from many of his former peers.
Healthcare equity & accessibility (
Hi pals! Today is a super fun solo episode with just me, your host- Nicole. I will be talking about healthcare equity and accessibility- Canada's so-called 'accessible' system, the inequities certain marginalized groups have faced within the healthcare system, and some hopeful ways to move forward to make healthcare better for all 3.
Diabetes, Colonialism, and Killers of the Flower Moon (
How the Oscar nominee's depiction of diabetes outlines a greater problem for communities haunted by colonialism.
Anti-Ableist Medical Education: Meeting the Challenges (
Liz Bowen, Emily Cleveland-Manchanda, Peppar E.P. Cyr, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, Susan Havercamp, Kristi Kirschner, Rebecca Kronk, Lisa M. Meeks, Peter Poullos, Zoie Clarise Sheets, Dorothy W. Tolchin, Stephanie Pham Van, Silvia Yee, and Erik Parens.
World Down Syndrome Day 2024 (
Raise awareness on World Down Syndrome Day, March 21st 2024. The 2024 theme is #EndTheStereotype and there are many ways to participate!
Fresh Campaigns Urge Ad Creatives To Portray Disability Realistically (
Two critical campaigns have recently got underway aimed at tackling deep-seated fears amongst advertising brand creatives of getting disability portrayal wrong.
The Writer's Space Fellowships 2024 (
In 2024, Varuna will offer 12 fellowships to NSW-based writers with disability or who are D/deaf. Selected recipients can nominate their preference for a one-week in-person residency fellowship or a four-week online fellowship and, where possible, this request will be accommodated.
After Two Decades And Four Paralympics, Cheri Madsen Exits The Sport With Nothing Left To Prove (
One of the biggest changes to Cheri Madsen’s post-competitive life will come at the dinner table.
Meet the Women Leading the Charge Behind the Adaptive Fitness Movement (
We interview Nikki Walsh, Alyssa Gialamas, Chelsie Hill, and Jesi Stracham, four leaders of the adaptive fitness movement. Ahead, they share their stories and how they're enabling people of all abilities to reap the benefits of exercise.
How we can make AI less biased against disabled people (
Disability bias is rife in trained AI models, according to recent research from Penn State. Here’s what we can do about it.
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Independent Living (
On 28 March, from 15:45 to 16:45 CET, ENIL will deliver a workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Independent Living, as part of the online National Voice conference run by Self Directed Support Scotland.
Wheelchair Travel Newsletter: Night at The Garden, Restaurant Week and Monet's Series (
Changing light conditions led Claude Monet to repeatedly paint the same subjects, each time revealing a new perspective.
Kaylea Titford had no care plan in place when she died, review finds (
Kaylea, 16, found in conditions ‘unfit for any animal’ after her death in Newport, Wales, in October 2020
Accessible Travel Chat with the New England ADA Center (
Learn more about the ADA and watch a robust conversation with the Director and Information Specialists from the New England ADA Center.
4 of The Best Ebooks to Help You Foster a Truly Inclusive Workplace (
The American workplace is making more room for inclusivity of various kinds. According to 2023 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 22.5% of people with a disability were employed, the highest recorded ratio since.
Breaking the Curve: How Standards-Based Grading is Transforming Education (
Dr. Thomas Guskey delves into the complexities of traditional grading systems and explores the potential of standards-based grading to revolutionize how learners are evaluated. The episode kicks off with Dr. Guskey discussing the gaps between grading knowledge and practices and how the reliance on traditional models has impacted education.
Germany’s Top Accessible Highlights (
Discover Germany’s many charms, where accessibility intertwines with adventure, ensuring a positive experience for every traveller. Uncover the treasures of this wonderful country with confidence, knowing that Germany has taken steps to make your journey truly remarkable.
I started with a simple goal of wanting to create a better, more reliable powered wheelchair (
I’ve been a powerchair user for over 20 years. I got my first chair at school and became the NHS technician’s most demanding customer. After finishing college, I was itching to go on a gap year with my friends. I got a new powerchair for my travels which I was led to believe was ‘the best powerchair on the market’. My trip lasted five years and spanned 35 countries, it was filled with excitement and adventure but was also plagued with wheelchair problems.
Why so many Canadians with disabilities are overeducated and unemployed (
Ever since she was eight, Layla Thérèse knew she wanted to be a teacher. Though she grew up fully aware she’d face barriers living with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy, even she wasn’t ready for just how hard pursuing such a career would be.
Bobby Cannavale Is a Stand-up Comic with an Autistic Son, a Road Trip, and a Dream in ‘Ezra’ Trailer (
Bobby Cannavale is a stand-up comedian with an autistic son and a dream in the trailer for Bleecker Street's 'Ezra.' Road trip!
BBC Ability (
BBC Ability is one of the staff-led networks at the BBC, run by disabled people,for disabled people. It’s one of nine staff networks across the organisation supporting and championing colleagues from different backgrounds. I’ve been co-chair of the network since April 2023 and have made it my mission to ensure all aspects of disability and accessibility continue to be considered across the business.
Nominations are now Open for the National Diversity Awards in association with HSBC UK! (
The National Diversity Awards will be held on 4th October at the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. The ceremony highlights role models and community organisations across the UK for their selfless devotion to equality, diversity and inclusion.
So, Mr. Kennedy does cancel some speaking engagements (
I recently wrote about how Robert Kennedy Jr. is gutless (I’m an autism parent. No way I will vote for Robert Kennedy Jr.. He’s gutless). Over the past few decades, Mr. Kennedy has spoken at many events where fake, even abusive, therapies are promoted to autism parents for use on their disabled children. As a keynote speaker, Mr. Kennedy could have either refused to attend or used his platform to distance himself from these charlatans. To my knowledge, he never has.
Disability News and Mental Health, What was in the budget for disabled people? (
In this episode, Emma Tracey gets reaction to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s spending plans from Fazilet Hadi of Disability Rights UK. Plus Stephen Kingdom from the Disabled Children’s Partnership on the Budget announcement that £105 million is to be spent on building schools for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
"Bloom where you are planted but never be afraid to grow" Michelle Steiner (
One of my favorite parts of spring is watching flowers bloom. How I love to see the rainbow of colors and all the different types come to life! I enjoy watching the flowers that I plant come to bloom, especially the ones that I have gotten on the clearance rack at the store. I have been warned that these forgotten flowers would not bloom. To my delight I have seen beautiful white peonies and lovely purple lilacs bloom each year. I plant and carefully tend to the flower, but it is up to flower to bloom.
Solidarity and strategy: the forgotten lessons of truly effective protest (
The long read: Organising is a kind of alchemy: it turns alienation into connection, despair into dedication, and oppression into strength.
Closing the Disability Employment Gap (
82% of disabled candidates surveyed, said the biggest barrier to work was not being able to identify inclusive employers. Evenbreak exists to remove this barrier and close the disability employment gap.
Housing (Cladding Remediation) (Scotland) Bill: Pam Duncan-Glancy welcomes Bill for cladding remediation, but calls out unacceptable delay by Scottish Government (
The Bill before us today is a bill that is designed to make buildings and homes safe – I am confident that is something that all Parties agree with, and I echo my Scottish Labour Colleagues in saying we will support the bill today.
Bitesize Basics digital skills videos (
Watch our series of useful instructional and informative short videos that explain how to do some of the most common online tasks, aimed at people over 65.
The world is so cruel to disabled people — I’ve opened a fully-accessible hair salon just for us (
A beautician who survived a tragic accident is fighting back against the cruelty and discrimination she said she has encountered as a disabled person — by opening her own, entirely accessible salon.
Things Not to Say to an Autistic Person (
"What's your special ability?" And other Things Not to Say to an Autistic Person.
We’re all expected to live shorter lives now thanks to Covid (
But there is a small bit of good news.
Ezra: Is Hollywood Getting Better at Autistic Representation? (
In the new film Ezra, autistics were creatively involved in telling the story—strengthening not only autism representation but movie quality.
How COVID-19 and Climate Change Affect Breathing (
COVID insidiously impacts a man's lungs — giving him reasons to appreciate each breath.
SignLight Film Festival to Showcase Global Community of Deaf Filmmakers (
The first-ever SignLight Film Festival from April 16-2will showcase global filmmakers in the Deaf community.
The honest, relatable, actionable roadmap to the practicalities of parenting a disabled child, featuring personal stories, expert interviews, and the foundational information parents need to know about topics including diagnosis, school, doctors, insurance, financial planning, disability rights, and what life looks like as a parent caregiver.
A portrait exhibit in downtown Eugene celebrates the lives and achievement of 30 disabled women leaders from around the globe.
Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month: Hartford Family Foundation helps impacted families in Wisconsin (
According to UW Health, it's the second most common cancer in both men and women.
The proposals to whittle down a 10-year waitlist for Kansans with intellectual disabilities (
Gov. Laura Kelly’s proposal would remove 500 people off various waitlists for families caring for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Republican lawmakers say their plan would whittle down the wait faster.
9 Subversive Books that are Rewriting Bipolar Disorder (
Leanne Toshiko Simpson recommends novel and memoirs that show what it's like to live with a mental illness
8 trillion reasons to make your technology accessible (
A new report from Gartner reveals a large and growing market for accessible technologies, which some companies like IBM are already serving
Why my son should be permitted to do wheelies in his wheelchair at school + Benefits of wheelies. (
My son Chance was born with spina bifida – a birth defect which impacts his mobility. Due to his disability he’s used a wheelchair since he was three years old. He’s now thirteen and for a second year in a row his school is telling him he can’t do wheelies. Each year we advocate and help teams learn why he should be permitted to do a wheelie. Usually they come to terms and allow them but the advocacy needed to reach that level of understanding is exhausting. We’re realizing now we need to help the school understand why wheelies should be permitted in school by putting it in writing for future teams. We hope by doing so, we can also help others who may face similar challenges with their child in school – but more importantly we hope to help everyone understand the benefits to doing wheelies to any wheelchair user and enables Chance to do them in school as he wishes.
Many Disability Professionals Don’t Understand Ableism (
While ableism is really common, including among disability professionals, a lot of people are ableist without knowing it. It’s really hard to stop being ableist if you don’t understand that what you are doing or saying is ableist. In order to stop being ableist, one of the first steps is understanding what ableism is and how it works. That’s why we conducted this research study to examine what disability professionals know about ableism. To do so, we had 347 disability professionals define ableism and we analyzed their definitions using content analysis.
Biden budget focuses on unfinished health care business (
Biden's election-year budget would build on populist health reforms rather than push a potentially divisive overhaul.
Laurel Lawson (
Choreographer, designer, and engineer: Lawson is a transdisciplinary artist making work that imagines new kinds of experience, reinterprets traditional stories, and questions cultural assumptions. Her performing-arts career began in music before serendipity brought her to dance, where she found a discipline combining her lifelong loves of athleticism and art. Featuring synthesistic mythology, athletic partnering, and nuanced emotional relationships, their work includes both traditional choreography for both disabled and nondisabled artists and novel ways of extending and creating art through technology and design. Lawson began her dance career with Full Radius Dance in 2004. She is an artist and Access and Technology Lead with Kinetic Light, the internationally acclaimed disability-arts organization; cofounder and CEO of CyCore Systems, a boutique systems and product engineering firm; and the Director of Rose Tree Productions, where she choreographs transdisciplinary art and supports equity-centered arts work. Her newest project is The Choreodaemonic Platform, in collaboration with Sydney Skybetter.
Access ALLways 2024 (
Access ALLways workshops are Kinetic Light's approach to accessibility & equity training. They are three hour participatory, online workshops designed specifically for people in the the arts ecosystem: artists, arts organizations, producers, presenters, grantmakers, and event organizers.
The Dances With Robots Podcast (
A new podcast about dance, robots, bodies, and technology.
Laurel Lawson On Kinetic Light And What It Feels Like To Truly Fly (
Jillian Curwin: Hi everyone. Welcome to Always Looking Up, the podcast where no one is overlooked and height is only a number, never a limit. Hosted by me, Jillian Curwin. Each week I'll be having a conversation about what it is like to live in a world that is not necessarily designed for you.
'What do you need?' (
A powerful question for disability allyship.
AccessAble Are Headed To Naidex! (
Join us at the UK’s biggest annual disability conference, 20th - 21st March.
Dreaming Ahead with Julie Childs (
Julie Childs, from Faringdon has a penchant for crafts and creating beautiful things. She laughs: “I’d rather make creative things than clean my house, you know. That’s what my mum says!”
Interview – Marion Fellows MP – “Vote for a party that will support you” (
With the general election fast approaching and amid the campaign buzz, it’s important to keep sight of what matters to you. “Vote for a party that will support you not just financially, but culturally – and significantly in terms of energy prices,” is the message from SNP Spokesperson for Disabilities Marion Fellows MP, at Westminster.
How to die? (
Just because a celebrity (in this case, the much loved and respected, Dame Esther Rantzen) is in favour of a controversial idea, (in this case, regarding assisted dying), it doesn’t always follow that others, with differing views, are on the ‘wrong’ side.
SXSW – Eliminating Inspiration Porn from Disability Stories (
Disabled creatives will discuss the harmful effects of inspiration porn and how we can strive to tell better stories of disability on-screen.
SXSW – Big Brain Energy: The Power of Neurodivergence in Media (
Neurodivergent experts within the media and entertainment industry will share their own perspectives on what it means to be neurodivergent.
The J Detroit: Celebrating Jewish Disability Awareness Acceptance & Inclusion Month (
Join The J’s Opening the Doors department as they celebrate JDAIM 2024 with speaker Ava Xiao-Lin Rigelhaupt.
SEND Minister Visits Pocklington Hub (
Today, Tuesday, 12 March 2024, David Johnston MP, Minister for Children, Families and Wellbeing, attended a roundtable where he listened to the views of blind and partially sighted (BPS) students - 'Education through my eyes' - at Thomas Pocklington Trust (TPT), Central London.
Equity at the Ballot Box: Registering To Vote and Getting Involved with Political Campaigns (
Join our Policy team for an informative webinar on how to register to vote and access reliable information on elections and candidates.
NYC Disability Advocates Fighting for Accessible Taxis…Again (
Since United Spinal Association and other New York City disability organizations settled a class action lawsuit with the Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) over a decade ago to make at least 50% of their yellow taxis wheelchair accessible, a series of Commissioners have attempted to implement, modify, undermine, and now, knowingly violate the settlement agreement.
Westpac pledges to advancing women with disabilities in the workplace (
Westpac has signed on as the pilot partner for People with Disability Australia’s (PWDA’s) Advancing Women Project which will assist in creating workplaces where employing, retaining and developing women* with disability is business as usual.
UK youth promote disability rights in Kampala, earn recognition (
A judging panel comprising a representative from organisations of persons with disabilities, the Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development and BHC Kampala reviewed their entries and identified the winners based on their leadership, advocacy and impact. The winners are Wokobera Shamim, Khasalamwa Esther, Nandudu Vanessa Esther, Kamukama Tadeo and Elijah Yunik.
ILO policy brief urges inclusion of domestic workers in care policies (
On International Women’s Day the ILO has issued a new policy brief urging governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations to ensure domestic workers have access to labour rights and social protection.
UN rights expert to investigate older persons care standards in Peru (
The UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, will visit Peru from 11 to 22 March 2024, at the invitation of the Government.
I lost a leg after being crushed by a lorry. I cried a lot – then got on with building a new life (
Victoria Lebrec forgave the driver who almost killed her. Nine years on, she is happy, active, at peace with her changed body. But she is still fighting to make the roads safer
‘Age Is Not a Problem’ (
More old(er) models walked on the runways this season, marking a step in the right direction for age representation.
Mom Uses Feet to Care for Baby After Being Paralyzed. Now She's Working to Stop the Disability Stigma (Exclusive) (
At 22, Christina Mallon's arms slowly became paralyzed due to motor neuron disease. Now she's opening up to PEOPLE about how she's learned to use her feet to take care of herself and her daughter as well as work at the forefront of the world of inclusive design.
5 Myths About Disability Inclusive Marketing (
Despite disability being the largest historically marginalized community in the world, with over $8T in buying power, disabled people are notoriously under-represented in media, marketing and entertainment. We make up just 1% of inclusion in all advertising, and in 84% of that rare inclusion the dis
Disability Inclusion in the Wild (
One of the perks of living in South Africa for 5+ years is that I have gone on a lot of Safari game drives. I’m not a pet person, but holy smokes, show me a baby African elephant and you’d think I was the president of PETA.