Alice Wong’s 'Disability Intimacy' Is a Deep Dive into Relationships and Community
I’m Raul Krauthausen the founder of SOZIALHELD*INNEN, an NPO and consultancy from Germany, focussing on Disability Mainstreaming. With this newsletter, I share hand-picked links from around the world.
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We wrote a children’s book (in german)

Hand-picked news about inclusion, accessibilty and innovation
Alice Wong’s 'Disability Intimacy' Is a Deep Dive into Relationships and Community (
Alice Wong, activist and director of the Disability Visibility Project, discussed her new anthology 'Disability Intimacy' on KQED Forum. It explores relationships and community bonds through essays and poems.
No, AI user research is not “better than nothing”—it’s much worse (
Synthetic insights are not research. They are the fastest path to destroy the margins on your product.
Ministers are callous and clueless on Pip payments (
Letters: Readers on the government’s plans to move away from financial support for those with mental health conditions given through personal independence payment
Mental health focus of PIP disability benefit overhaul (
Disability payments that help with extra living costs could be scrapped in favour of more tailored support.
Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning (
This guide is designed to introduce concepts of digital accessibility such as colour contrast and alternative text and provide detailed instructions to use the accessibility features of software such as Brightspace, Word, and PowerPoint.
How many people? (
Estimate how many people might have a disability, impairment or other characteristics which might affect how they use your service.
Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act (
Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act – H.R.1328. This bill requires certain medical devices with a digital interface to meet nonvisual accessibility standards established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
nonvisual_data_science (
Here is a list of resources for blind and visually impared Python programmers, learners, data scientists, and technologists.
Tagged PDF Q & A (
This resource provides authoritative answers to common questions about Tagged PDF, the basis for reuse and accessibility in PDF, and is maintained by the PDF Association's PDF/UA TWG and PDF Reuse TWG.
ISO 14289-2 (PDF/UA-2), the “gold standard” for accessibility in PDF 2.0, has arrived (
Based on WTPDF, ISO 14289-2 serves to assure institutions that the PDF Association’s requirements for creating and validating accessible PDF 2.0 files are now ISO-standardized.
GOV.UK ID Check app: Building an accessible digital identity app (
At Government Digital Service (GDS), our mission is to make digital government simpler, clearer and faster for everyone. As part of the GOV.UK One Login programme, we released the GOV.UK ID Check app for iOS and Android last year which is the first mobile app GDS has built and released.
Artist with muscular dystrophy creates graphic design company (
A Seattle artist with muscular dystrophy started a graphic design clothing company called earlier this year.Kris Napper is no average artist. He was born with spinal muscular atrophy, a form of muscular dystrophy.
How to pair up with blind people for walks and holidays (
Letters: Readers respond to a piece by Adrian Chiles about his experience with blind and partially sighted walkers
Moving Beyond Transparency to Accessibility and Awareness (
In one of my graduate courses for future PK-12 educational leaders, students are asked to review a student handbook and provide their recommendations on how to improve those handbooks. Though the students provide specific recommendations for changes to student policies or additions to improve the teaching and learning process, recently, many of the recommendations raised by students are more related to how materials are presented. Sometimes these aspiring leaders are befuddled to learn about rules they have supposedly been working under for several school years. They are amazed that the rules outlined in the handbook are not enforced or potentially were simply unknown to them as staff members.
How can Schools Prepare for Title II Digital Accessibility Requirements? (
A newly issued federal rule to ensure web content and mobile apps are accessible for people with disabilities will require public K-12 and higher education institutions to do a thorough inventory of their digital materials to make sure they are in compliance, accessibility experts said.
Disability News and Mental Health, Liz Carr talks to us about her new documentary about assisted dying. (
Actress Liz Carr shares her thoughts on assisted dying as she launches a new documentary
Maisa Obeid -certified international accessibility specialist (CPACC) and a certified Assistive Technology Professional (
Maisa Obeid is a certified international accessibility specialist (CPACC) and a certified Assistive Technology Professional with more than a decade’s experience in accessibility and inclusivity.
Challenging the Story (
David Jareb offers practical and simple approaches to help neurodivergent children become their best selves with the right guidance and support.
Grant Shapps says it will ‘take some time’ to conclude who was to blame for cyber-attack on armed forces payroll – as it happened (
Defence secretary makes statement after 270,000 payroll records belonging to members of Britain’s armed forces been exposed to hackers
World Cup Hero Sir Geoff Hurst: Seniors should embrace technology (
England football legend Sir Geoff Hurst is inspiring his generation to tackle technology head-on and learn to make the most of the digital world.
Better Off Dead?: Liz Carr Debates Why We Shouldn't Legalise Assisted Dying (
British actor and disability rights activist Liz Carr stars in a new BBC documentary titled Better Off Dead?, in which she explores the topic of assisted dying and why she believes it should not be legalised.
WCAG @ 25 and three blog posts (
After a good run of monthly newsletters, this one restores the normalcy of irregular publishing. And the reason is that I have not many big picture thoughts at the moment. There’s a lot going on with my clients at Axess Lab (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) (which turned 10 just a few weeks ago 🥳), so the bandwidth for blog posts and these newsletters has been limited.
My Withered Legs (
Things are going a little too fast for my taste--how can it be May already? I'm excited to offer three paperbacks or e-books of My Withered Legs and Other Essays by Sandra Gail Lambert available now by University if Georgia Press. Details below.
After my stroke, I didn't want to be the miracle girl in the wheelchair (
I was speaking at a camp for families affected by disabilities when something clicked for me.
Study Reveals Unexpected Literacy in Autistic People Who Cannot Speak (
Autistic individuals who have little or no capacity to speak are often cut off from educational, employment and social opportunities. A new discovery could change that.
The Guardian view on disability benefit reform: the latest proposals are dangerously out of touch (
Editorial: Threatening to withdraw personal independence payments will only ramp up stress on unwell people
Objects in Distress (
Design Research Journal for social, cultural and political Discourse, Transformation & Activism.
School funding reform to be tied to better outcomes for children with disability, Jason Clare says (
Education minister doubles down on need for states to do more for students with a disability, in the wake of Guardian Australia investigation
How bias training can help improve healthcare equity (
Explore how science-backed implicit bias training can reduce racial disparities and improve patient-provider communication in healthcare. The article highlights the effectiveness of implicit bias training in healthcare.
Educating All Learners Alliance Opens 2024 New Champions Fund to Support Leaders of Color and Allies who Support Students with Disabilities - EALA (
Started in 2022, the New Champions Fund allows EALA to grant an annual unrestricted competitive sub-grant and provide a year-long mentorship to support leaders of color, or allies of the equity in education movement, who are actively working to support students with disabilities, including students who are marginalized or come from underserved communities and those experiencing poverty. They will also grant two additional $5,000 sub-grants per year to runners-up, as determined by the panel of New Champions judges.
BBC Morning Live chef and BBC See Hear presenter Yvonne Cobb to become Celebrity Ambassador for the BDA (
The British Deaf Association (BDA) is pleased to announce Yvonne Cobb as their first Celebrity Ambassador.
This week marks Deaf Awareness Week (6-12 May), With a focus on spreading love, building trust, and celebrating Deaf culture as allies and friends, the theme connects to the British Deaf Association's new campaign, BSL in Our Hands.
LNER Receives Record Number Of Requests For Passenger Assistance (
New data reveals assistance was requested on and off trains at LNER’s managed stations more than 250,000 times over the past year – the highest number to date.
Vueling Airlines fined for failing to make their website accessible (
The Spanish National High Court ordered Vueling Airlines to pay a 90.000€ fine and prohibited them to receive public funds for 6 months.
Kids With Medically Complex Conditions Wait Months Or Years For Specialty Care (
Families are having an increasingly hard time getting appointments with pediatric specialists putting children at risk for more serious medical problems, developmental setbacks and treatment delays.
Disability Intimacy: Essays on Love, Care, and Desire a book by Alice Wong (
The much-anticipated follow up to the groundbreaking anthology Disability Visibility another revolutionary collection of first-person writing on the joys and challenges of the modern disability experience, and intimacy in all its myriad forms. What is intimacy? More than sex, more than romantic love, the pieces in this stunning and illuminating new anthology offer broader and more inclusive definitions of what it can mean to be intimate with another person. Explorations of caregiving, community, access, and friendship offer us alternative ways of thinking about the connections we form with others--a vital reimagining in an era when forced physical distance is at times a necessary norm. But don't worry: there's still sex to consider--and the numerous ways sexual liberation intersects with disability justice. Plunge between these pages and you'll also find disabled sexual discovery, disabled love stories, and disabled joy. These twenty-five stunning original pieces--plus other modern classics on the subject, all carefully curated by acclaimed activist Alice Wong--include essays, photo essays, poetry, drama, and erotica: a full spectrum of the dreams, fantasies, and deeply personal realities of a wide range of beautiful bodies and minds. Disability Intimacy will free your thinking, invigorate your spirit, and delight your desires.
Labour confirms assisted suicide pledge, as activists protest outside parliament (
Labour has re-affirmed its commitment to making time for MPs to “have a final say” on whether assisted suicide should be legalised, just as disabled activists were protesting about the idea outside parliament.
'Ezra' trailer promises a deeply moving father-son road trip (
The TIFF-praised dramedy about what's "best" for your kid.
Is long COVID forever? A new study has clues. (
Research hints that those with symptoms may see an improvement after two years—but not everyone.
The Disabled Body in Contemporary Art (
This volume analyzes the representation of disabled and disfigured bodies in contemporary art and its various contexts
More than 2 million Texans have been dropped from Medicaid, leading the nation (
The totals exceed early research estimates, especially for children in the federal health insurance program.
Peppa Pig's New Friend - Mandy Mouse! (
Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Peppa’s favourite things include playing games and music, learning animal sounds, dressing up, days out, shopping, holidays and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.
Inclusive playgrounds provide a safe place for children of all abilities. Here’s why that’s important (
Few things make 10-year-old Teddy Blondheim happier than playing alongside his older brother on a playground.
How ‘Finding Dory’ and ‘Finding Nemo’ deal beautifully with disabilities (
Pixar has a gift for showing how to accept people who are different from you.
Carolann Jackson obituary (
Other lives: Campaigner who founded a charity in Essex to support people with Asperger syndrome
Toronto Theatre Offers AR (Augmented Reality) Glasses for Deaf Audience Accessibility (
Discover how Pleiades Theatre is revolutionizing accessibility for Deaf audiences with AR glasses, and explore budget-friendly alternatives for smaller theatre companies.
The Incredibly Talented Lucy review – a sparkling story, with an enraging twist ending (
This moving documentary is as much about The Piano winner’s teacher, Daniel, as it is about her remarkable rise. While their relationship is wonderful to watch, the difficulties they face prove a rotten problem in society
Why are Australian schools failing children with disabilities? (
Investigative reporter Sarah Martin explains to Jane Lee how the education system has reached crisis point.
How are family members affected by offering support to loved ones with disabilities? (
Our mission in COFACE Families Europe, representing over 50 organisations from 23 countries, is to defend the rights of families in all their diversity, bringing this voice to the European institutions in Brussels through a wide range of tools, meetings, conference, trainings. We express political positions, initiate campaigns and also work in the field of research and training.
Tearing down walls (
750,000 persons with intellectual disabilities are confined to large segregated “care” institutions, while another 388,099 reside in smaller facilities, according to Inclusion indicators report of Inclusion Europe. Further 39,000 are subjected to living in psychiatric hospitals.
Autistic People and Independent Living (
In the early stages of autistic people connecting with each other on the internet, forming the communities that established the foundations of the current neurodiversity movement in the 1990s, one of the small number of international mailing lists providing the platform for this process was Independent Living on the Autistic Spectrum, a.k.a. the InLv list. This was one tiny signal about how central the idea has been to our communities over the past decades.
Time to break the inhuman circle of institutionalisation in the EU (
I remember when I first arrived in France 40 years ago as a foreign student. Everything looked very different compared to back home in the USA – a real cultural shock pursuing my dream to discover the world. Adjusting to differences, it occurred to me after walking around Paris that I didn’t see any persons with disabilities – blind persons with canes or persons in wheelchairs like had become more and more common in the States. I asked a few French students why and they explained of course not, these people were hidden away in their Paris apartments and “cared for”. They were unable to access the community and therefore it was normal they needed “care and protection” for their own good. It came as a shock.
The no competence fallacy (
On the 24th of May, the European Parliament voted for the adoption of the directive establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card. The new cards will make it easier for disabled people to receive preferential conditions when accessing services while staying in another EU country. Those services comprise cultural events or reserved seats in parks. Services falling under social assistance, for example the personal budget, income or housing support, will not be included.
Empowering independence of persons with disabilities: The essential role of support services (
As the Independent Living day approaches, the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD) wishes to highlight the need for a strategic shift from institutional care to community-based support systems that foster independent living and inclusion for persons with disabilities.
Supporting Ukrainians with disabilities: programme evaluation (
The European Disability Forum (EDF) and CBM have joined forces in a programme addressing the needs of persons with disabilities impacted by the war and ensuring that they are fully included in the response and recovery from the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine since the war escalated.
Persons with disabilities excluded from European political parties’ digital channels (
The report “Access Denied”, launched today, reveals that European political parties’ websites are vastly inaccessible to users with disabilities, with some components even reversing default accessibility measures.
European Disability Card approved by the European Parliament – only bureaucratic hurdle remains (
Today, the European Parliament aproved the content of the provisional agreement on the European Disability Card and European Parking Card, which had been reached in February. The agreement was approved with 613 votes in favour, 7 against and 11 abstentions. The report on the extension to third-country nationals was also approved.
COFACE Families Europe (
COFACE FAMILIES EUROPE is a network promoting the well-being, health and security of families and their members in a changing society.
EASPD (European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities) (
EASPD is a European NGO network representing over 20,000 social and health support provider organizations across Europe and across disabilities.
ENUSP – European Network for (Ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (
ENUSP gives (ex-)users and survivors of psychiatric services across Europe a way to communicate so that we can support one other in the personal, political and social struggle against injustice and discrimination.
European Parliament hold final debate on the European Disability Card (
On 23 April, the European Parliament debated the European Disability Card and European Parking Card. The debate will be followed by a vote on 24 April that will seal the political content of the Card. The debate started with statements by negotiators and the European Commissioner for Equality, followed by interventions by MEPs.
Welcome to the Funka Foundation (
Empowerment through involvement ,The Funka Foundation carries out research to support inclusion and accessibility for persons of all abilities. We are a not-for-profit independent organisation working to empower persons with disabilities through user centred research and innovation.
Access Denied: The (in)accessibility of European Political Party websites (
The report “Access Denied” reveals that European political parties’ websites are vastly inaccessible to users with disabilities, with some components even reversing default accessibility measures.
European Elections 2024 (
Voters across the EU will elect 705 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) between 6-9 June 2024. As the EU’s only directly elected body, this election is one of the largest democratic exercises in the world. It is vital that persons with disabilities participate in it.
Bringing Accessibility and Design for All to Higher Education Curriculum: Findings from the ATHENA Project’s Transnational Report (
The ATHENA Project aims to bring Accessibility and Design for All into Higher Education by developing recommendations on how to implement curriculum on accessibility across academic disciplines. The European Disabilisability Forum (EDF) and ATHENA Project partners have completed the first step of this project through the publication of a transnational report that presents the findings of the first work package of the project. The report will serve as the project’s foundation on which all of the project’s efforts will be based.
EU institutions discuss progress on disability rights during last 5 years (
Representatives from the three main EU institutions met on 23 April in the European Parliament in Strasbourg to discuss the progress made on disability rights during this legislative mandate, and the remaining challenges for the next legislative term.
EU signs declaration on social priorities for coming years (
The La Hulpe Declaration on the Future of the European Pillar of Social Rights was adopted by the EU and its Member States on 16 April.
EU Conference "Technology in employment. A step towards inclusion" May 11th 2024 (
Persons with disabilities, who already face stigma and other disadvantages when it comes to finding employment, are particularly impacted by the increasing space technology occupies in the world of work. Not only are persons with disabilities less likely to have been able to develop the digital skills required by the open labour market, but all too often they are denied existing assistive devices or technologies they require to be able to use digital tools at work.
MEPs José Gusmao and Anabela Rodrigues pledge to support Independent Living (
Today the Members of the European Parliament José Gusmao and Anabela Rodrigues (both Bloco de Esquerda) pledged to support the ENIL Manifesto to the European Elections and the Legislative Period 2024-2029. In a meeting with the MEPs, Florian Sanden, Francesca Spanghero, Antonella Candiago and Michael Goossens from the ENIL secretariat in Brussels presented our long-term vision on EU disability policy. The objective is to raise the level of ambition, so there is much stronger support to Independent Living of disabled people coming from the European level.
New(ish) directions (
Potential plans and an exciting announcement!
Millions of American Kids Are Caregivers Now: ‘The Hardest Part Is That I’m Only 17’ (
An estimated 5.4 million children help care for relatives, as families can’t afford or find other in-home care.
Manchester United to tighten up checks to avoid misuse of disabled fans’ tickets (
The club are to work with United’s Disabled Supporters’ Association amid claims that tickets were falling into the wrong hands
FDA proposes new ban on shock devices used in Mass. school for people with disabilities (
The Judge Rotenberg Educational Center in Canton is the only facility in the country that still uses electrical stimulation devices.
This is Going To Be Big (
A humorous and heart-warming coming-of-age story unfolds as teenagers living with disabilities share their dreams, desires and confront challenges while preparing for their high school musical.
Arana Assistant (
Your accessible AI Assistant. Easy to use and always there for you. Start for free Learn More Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin Youtube As Featured On: PRODuctivity boost Get more work done in less time. Unleash your productivity like never before with Arana Assistant.
What Are the Rules for Service Animals? (
What Are the Rules for Service Animals? With Mia Ives-Rublee
Creative Living for Every Body with Gaelynn Lea (
Gaelynn Lea is a musician who is currently working on her debut memoir, LINGER IN THE SUN. Posts about disability, creativity, music, spiritual wellness, and writing. Click to read Creative Living for Every Body with Gaelynn Lea, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
Netflix Green-Lights More Episodes Of Autism Dating Show (
An Emmy-winning series that follows people with autism as they search for love is getting another season.
„Es geht um die stinknormale Regelversorgung“ (
Ausgerechnet das Gesundheitswesen ist eine der größten Baustellen bei der Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderung. Zum Protesttag am 5. Mai fordert Aktivist H.-Günter Heiden mehr als barrierefreie Toiletten
Press release: The Independent Living Day (
According to independent research, there are still at least 1,4 million disabled people living in institutions in the European Union. While many Member States are running EU funded projects to provide alternatives to institutions, such as personal assistance, many are building new institutions. In the previous year, ENIL submitted a complaint to the European Commission against Austria for EU funded segregation of children with disabilities.
Pippi Longstocking turns 78: A Real Life Strong Girl (
Swedish author and activist Astrid Lindgren was born in 1907 and is most famous for Pippi Longstocking. She’s the eighteenth most translated author in the world and was a staunch and public political activist for children, animal and human rights, racism, environmentalist and world peace, all while often taking on the establishment. She penned the daring yet compassionate anarchist Pippi Longstocking; the girl with the red pigtails with personality, freckles, mismated socks and an orphan who would make waves in stale middle-class suburbia.
Spotify’s Monthly Limit on Lyrics Is Ableist (
If you enjoy this post, please consider becoming a paid member of Patreon.
Here are six ways to make education more inclusive (
This is not an easy fix, but our schools should be safe places where students grow and learn together.
Steve Gleason interview with Jenny Lay-Flurrie (
Microsoft Outside In interview between Steve Gleason and Jenny Lay-Flurrie as they discuss Gleason’s new book, "A Life Impossible: Living with ALS: Finding Peace and Wisdom Within a Fragile Existence", which documents his journey with ALS, the importance of family, the daily impact of technology, and his refusal to give up.
A Life Impossible by Steve Gleason, Jeff Duncan (
From NFL player Steve Gleason, a powerful, inspiring memoir of love, heartbreak, resilience, family, and remarkable triumph in the face of ALS.
Hyatt outlines efforts to support neurodivergent guests (
According to KultureCity, a nonprofit focused on sensory accessibility, one in every four individuals in the U.S. | A new survey led by Hyatt found ways that hotels can make travel journeys more inclusive for people with sensory needs or an invisible disability.
Trail Blazers pilot OneCourt's device for fans with blindness or low vision (
The Blazers tested the OneCourt devices in a suite for their April 9 game, and then in the stands on April 11 and April 12. This was OneCourt's first testing with fans in venue.
Communication accessibility supports Deaf abuse survivors (
Deaf domestic violence survivors face isolation and abuse. Hearing abusers often use their hearing privilege to maintain control over their Deaf partners.
Accessibility Technology Ensures Everyone Gets a Day at the Beach (
The last decade’s advances in wheelchairs and sand mats allow people with disabilities more and better access to all the beach has to offer
Opinion: Students with disabilities shouldn’t be afterthought at Buncombe County schools (
More Buncombe County schools and public buildings need to have ADA-approved access for children and others who use wheelchairs.
Ramping up accessibility: A mission for mobility (
T Gonzales is fundraising to buy ramps the community can use.
Why Riders With Disabilities Have To Sue For Accessible Transit Stops (
A Bay Area transit agency is only the latest to be sued over inaccessible stations. What will it take to get every American stop ADA compliant?
‘Universal design’ builds in accessibility for disabled people on the front end (
Universal design views everyone’s needs for access as equally important, regardless of their limitations.
Churches don’t have to be accessible. That’s a voting rights problem. (
In 2024, millions of people will vote at religious sites. What if you're disabled?
Jury Trial Victory for Blind Business Owner (
Yes, under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if a blind business owner comes to a government office to file her paper form, staff do need to read and write on official forms under her direction. That’s the verdict a federal jury in California delivered against Alameda County on Tuesday, April 3, 2024.
Vestavia mayor, daughter advocate for new disability symbol (
Vestavia Hills Mayor Ashley Curry and his daughter, Anna Gualano, are behind an effort to update the traditional handicap symbol with a new emblem for the state of Alabama.
A Mercer County group is helping make food pantries more accessible to people with disabilities (
Trenton Health Team has expanded a free food-finder online directory, which provides critically important accessibility information.
The newer, the better: How wheelchair users can travel smoothly (
Cruise ships can offer guests who use mobility devices an accessible way to travel.
Prioritizing Accessibility And Inclusion In AI Development (
As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to be more prolific in our society, its potential to either perpetuate or mitigate social inequities comes sharply into focus. This understanding raises a pressing question posed by Lawrence Weru, a Biomedical Informatics Associate at Harvard Medical School: “If we’re creating tools that are fed with information that can bias against certain groups, and we integrate those into very crucial aspects of our lives, what’s going to be the impact of that?”
She had Parkinson's and didn't want to live. Then she got this surgery. (
Deep brain stimulation is a game-changer for patients like Peters amid the ongoing fight for medical breakthroughs for neurologic conditions.
Tony-Award Winner Ali Stroker on How She Lives Boldly (
"I’m not ashamed of my disability at all: In fact, I’m grateful for it."
When is Chicago going to make affordable housing accessible to people with disabilities? (
Mayor Brandon Johnson's latest initiatives don’t address concerns raised in a lawsuit against the city and provide no reassurance the city will get accessible housing right going forward.
Panama City Beach is making beach access for those with physical disabilities a lot easier (
Beach access to Panama City Beach is about to get a lot easier for people with physical disabilities.
14 Wheelchair-Accessible & Disability-Friendly Things to Do in SD (
The most wheelchair accessible locations, sensory-friendly things to do in San Diego for those with disabilities.
‘in First Two Poll Phases, 4,995 Disabled Voters Opted For Vote-from-home Facility’ (
Kolkata: Of the 5 lakh-odd voters with disabilities in Bengal, 4,995 opted to vote from their homes in the first two phase of elections, deputy CEO Su.
North East campaigners concerned over lack of accessible homes (
One woman says spending years on a waiting list for suitable housing was "exhausting".
Hazards leave vision-impaired senior anxious about getting about town (
Gary Paul wears fluorescent clothing most days. But there are still too many moments when the regional Western Australian feels invisible.
Manitoba focuses on accessibility with new rules for public sector (
Employers must develop feedback process, implement policies and practices to enhance accessibility and provide training to staff
Gender-neutral lavatories ‘have more germs than single-sex ones’ (
Gender-neutral lavatories carry the most germs, research suggests.
Resources needed as ASL and Indigenous sign languages officially recognized in Sask. (
Bill 103 compels all public schools, colleges and universities to recognize sign languages, and they must develop an accessibility plan.
The accessibility revolution (
The accessibility revolution refers to an extensive and ongoing shift towards enhancing accessibility for individuals with disabilities. It seeks to eliminate barriers and ensure inclusivity and equality for impaired people. It aims to transform environments and technologies to be accessible to all individuals irrespective of their physical, cognitive, or motor disabilities.
New electric Dart service with improved accessibility due next year (
Dublin will soon have a more accessible, family-friendly and faster Dart service.
Woman-led tech start up drives innovations towards an inclusive online world (
Following a casual conversation with a friend who happens to be a blind software engineer, Tran Khanh Dung was enlightened to the multiple obstacles to digital accessibility faced by individuals with disabilities. With a vision to make the online world a more inclusive place, Dung seized the opportunity to develop an innovative solution to tackle these barriers and went on to found Rayo ̶ an AI copilot designed to make web browsing accessible and enjoyable for people with varying forms of disabilities.
Mainstreaming Universal Accessibility in Urban Infrastructure Projects in Yemen (
The ongoing conflict in Yemen is estimated to have led to the loss of around 377,000 lives by 2022, out of a total population of 33.7 million. 3.4 million people need.
Public Sector Organizations will soon be Required to Meet Accessible Information and Communication Standard (
The Manitoba government will soon require Manitoba public sector organizations to make information and communication more accessible, Families Minister Nahanni Fontaine, minister responsible for accessibility, announced today.
Website Accessibility Testing (
How our Digital Accessibility Coordinators (DACs) across Minnesota state agencies conduct initial testing for website accessibility failures, the tools they use, and how they decide to fix the issue or determine to leave it alone.
How a dinner table conversation led to BofA’s Support Services division made of neurodivergent employees (
Mark Feinour, Executive Director of Support Services at Bank of America, dives into the story of Support Services and his own journey within the function which provides a workplace for neurodivergent employees.
How Foundations Can Integrate a Disability Lens in Grantmaking (
How can foundations integrate disability into their grantmaking priorities without segmenting identities into separate funding areas?
The Role of Accessible Digital Reading Materials in Achieving the SDGs & #ZeroDigitalDivide (
The webinar on the role of accessible digital reading materials for achieving global goals brings together industry experts, advocates, and stakeholders to understand the challenges faced by individuals with print disabilities in the context of accessible reading materials, sharing knowledge and best practices, promoting collaboration among stakeholders, and advocate for policy changes and industry standards that prioritize accessible reading materials, ultimately driving meaningful change in the accessibility landscape for achieving SDG4.5 and SDG4.a
Neurodiversity playbook (
The original Autism@Work Playbook, which was developed with private-sector employers in mind, opens by acknowledging that “shortages of skilled employees and professionals may be among the biggest constraints to growth and sustainability in the new economy.”
Should You Find Out Your Genetic Risk For Alzheimer's Disease? Experts Weigh In (
It's a highly nuanced answer.
Ending the Stigma Around Mental Health Through Awareness, Advocacy and Accessibility (
This National Silence the Shame Day, let’s break the stigma of mental health by building awareness, fighting for advocacy, and expanding accessibility to care.
Personal Passion Fuels Digital Accessibility Innovations at Discover (
Blending personal insight with professional expertise: Shelby Mitchell's accessibility journey at Discover.
A new wheelchair-accessible home is perfect for my son with Pompe (
Columnist Keara Engle's growing family is moving to a wheelchair-accessible home to better accommodate her 6-year-old son, Cayden.
Ground Reality: ‘a Yr On, Still No Accessible Footpath For Disabled’ (
BMC's universal footpath policy lacks implementation progress, criticized by NGO Access for Hope. In Vile Parle east, footpaths remain inaccessible.
We aren’t doing enough to create access for those with a disability (
As a disability rights advocate, columnist Mary Shaniqua stresses the need to create more access in London and everywhere.
Ensuring the joys of hospitality are accessible (
The integration of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into business operations has been pivotal in redefining corporate responsibility and enhancing consumer engagement across various industries. This shift is particularly notable in the hospitality and catering sectors, which have traditionally been centred on customer service and satisfaction. As these sectors continue to evolve, a pressing issue emerges—the need to enhance accessibility for people living with disabilities, encompassing both visible and non-visible impairments.
UI/UX Articles and Interesting Tidbits of the Week (
Skip to Main Content and Increasing Accessibility. Continuing to further emphasize the importance of Accessibility on all digital products, this is another article from the A11Y Collective and author Taeke Reijenga, focused on the skip to main content button which can appear on websites for those who are using keyboard-only navigation. The article emphasizes the main advantages of having such a device, namely: making the web driven experience more navigable, saving time, and avoiding frustration. The author also explains how to implement this device, including Tailwind CSS. Worth reading through, even if it may seem too narrowly focused.
Australian Access Awards 2023 (
The Australian Access Awards have been recognising organisations and individuals demonstrating extraordinary commitment and delivering exceptional outcomes for Australians living with disability since 2019. Launching every two years on Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the program attracts local, national, and international speakers and provides an arena for delegates to discuss current issues from thought leaders, policy makers, political leaders, innovators, practitioners, academics, community leaders, advocates, and people with lived experience of disability.
Accessibility Training at Microsoft (
Skilling is a critical part of building a culture of accessibility and helps foster innovation with accessibility in mind. One of the ways we embed accessibility into our culture at Microsoft is by providing mandatory training for all employees—97% of employees have completed the training to date. Over the last several years we’ve reached 2.7 million learners on accessibility around the world.
Autism Acceptance Month: When Haroon met Rob (
April is Autism Acceptance Month so as part of our Edgbaston for Everyone pledge we brought together ‘The Autistic Cricketer’ Haroon Irshad and Bears all-rounder Rob Yates to further raise awareness of the condition.
6 Top DEI Challenges and How to Solve Them (
While there are many DEI challenges, research shows the benefits of an inclusive workplace. These include increased creativity, profit growth, and more engaged employees.
Ottawa Art Gallery to improve accessibility (
Alexandra Badzak from the OAG talks about changes being made to create barrier-free visitor spaces.
A Golden Opportunity (
I’ve long thought that the lack of consideration of older people and digital accessibility has been both a commercial and moral oversight by organisations. As I watch my mum struggle with her online shop (and I reach for my reading glasses to help her) like her I get increasingly frustrated about the digital barriers older people face. While they may not consider themselves to have a disability, the digital access needs of many older people are similar to many who do. And digital in 2024 is not quite the “access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect” that Tim Berners-Lee hoped the web would be.
2024 State of Captioning (
The information we gather in the State of Captioning offers a valuable understanding of how organizations and businesses are making their digital media and video content accessible. By learning about current behaviors and preferences, we can make predictions about what to expect from the future of media accessibility.
Commencement profile: Through disability rights advocacy, she’s improved campus accessibility, climate (
Brelynn Bille once had a supervisor who kept leaving items around the office in such a way that it made it difficult for Bille, who uses a wheelchair, to access her office. After multiple conversations about it with no changes, Bille moved all the items into her supervisor’s office and scattered them around the floor, preventing him from getting to his desk.
Syracuse University to Provide Aira Visual Interpreting Service to Campus Community (
Syracuse University’s Information Technology Services (ITS) division has announced a new partnership to make the Aira Visual Interpreting Service available to the campus community at no cost, effective Friday, May 3. The University’s designation as an Aira Access Partner means that anyone—including students, faculty, staff, families and other visitors who are blind or have low vision—can use the Aira Explorer mobile app’s on-demand visual interpreting service to navigate the campus environment and complete a variety of tasks. This new offering coincides with the approach of Global Accessibility Awareness Day on Thursday, May 16, a day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of digital accessibility for the more than one billion people with disabilities worldwide.
May 16th is Global Accessibility Awareness Day! (
This year marks the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD)! It takes place on May 16th, 2024, and companies, nonprofits, and educational institutions hold numerous GAAD-related events (e.g., conferences, workshops, etc.) to draw attention to this universal celebration. The goal of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital access and inclusion. Digital accessibility refers to the inclusive practice of removing barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to websites, digital tools, and technologies by people with impairments/disabilities. Knowing where or how to start can be a barrier for those interested in making technology accessible and usable for those with disabilities, and this day of awareness was created to provide resources to help with that dilemma. The idea of Global Accessibility Awareness Day started with a blog post written by a Los Angeles-based web developer, Joe Devon.
Thank you for your continued commitment to accessibility at UM! (
Together we’ve made great strides to ensure everyone has equal access to information.
Daniel Solomon: Visualizing a more inclusive, accessible future through public art (
Through the installation of educational public art in urban neighborhoods, the Brown sophomore hopes to inspire mutual understanding of the blind and visually impaired community.
My Personal Experience with Autism in College (
College is a whirlwind for any student, but for an autistic individual, it’s far more complex. Navigating social interactions and deciphering unspoken rules adds another layer of difficulty. As an autistic student, I’ve learned a great deal about myself and the importance of advocating for my needs during my time at DSC.
New guidebook aims to make tabletop games more accessible (
Newly appointed associate professor Michael Heron has dedicated his career to including more people in what he loves most – games. He studies the accessibility of games, which, according to Heron, is essentially about bringing people together. Now he has released a guidebook on how to create accessible tabletop games.
Students allege disruption of accessibility on campus due to gate closures (
According to multiple Simmons students, limiting entrance to tap access also disrupted their use of the accessibility buttons on the residential campus, leaving disabled students stranded.
Letter to the Editor: OU should tackle accessibility concerns in dorms (
It is imperative that school policymakers and faculty give priority to these changes for the betterment of the entire university community.
Temple University receives $500k grant for high-tech devices for disability (
The 2,227-square-foot space is part of Temple’s Institute on Disabilities in the College of Education and Human Development.
Library Accessibility Committee works to expand library accessibility (
Initiatives include having more noise-canceling headphones and testing softer lighting in study rooms.
Charity funds PhD research on accessible transport (
National disability charity the Motability Foundation has awarded PhD scholarship grants to three doctoral candidates, with lived experience of disability, to undertake research into accessible transport.
Gen Z Students Declare “This Is The Way” to Champion Accessibility, Preserve Endangered Indigenous Languages & Save the Planet (
Three Schools Named National Winners in Samsung Solve for Tomorrow STEM Competition for Using AI, 3D Printing & Robotics to Address Community Challenges, Each Winning $100K in Prizes.
The Estée Lauder Companies and Microsoft increase collaboration to power prestige beauty with generative AI (
The Estée Lauder Companies (ELC) and Microsoft Corp. on Friday announced the creation of an AI Innovation Lab as an expansion of their global strategic relationship. Leveraging cutting-edge generative AI capabilities in Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, the companies will work together to develop solutions that further empower ELC’s more than 20 prestige beauty brands as they create closer consumer connections and increase speed to market with local relevancy. The AI Innovation Lab further positions both companies as leaders at the forefront of reimagining the beauty industry with generative AI.
Los Alamos County Library Board Hears Presentation On Efforts To Increase Accessibility To All Users (
The Library Board heard a presentation recently by Librarian Norma Covington on the library’s efforts to make the library more accessible to all users.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Governing Board Of The Texas School For The Deaf (
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Christopher Moreland, M.D. and Shawn P. Saladin, Ph.D. and appointed Lisalee Egbert, Ph.D. to the Governing Board of the Texas School for the Deaf for terms set to expire on January 31, 2029. The Board oversees the provision of all School for the Deaf services and is responsible for budget preparation, policy adoption, and the appointment of the superintendent.
The New Group Reveals Slate of Talkbacks & Accessibility Initiatives for ALL OF ME (
The New Group has announced a slate of talkbacks and accessibility initiatives happening around the current production of All Of Me, aimed at increasing accessibility and enhancing the experience of the show.
Queensland tourism operators to get $4.5 million worth of accessibility improvements (
Queensland's tourism sector is set for accessibility upgrades following the recipient announcement of the Access Project Grant. Twenty-eight Queensland tourism operators, not-for-profits, and local governments, are set to receive between $50,000 and $200,000 to put towards tangible, high-impact accessibility improvements within their organisation.
Presenting NewsAble: The Newslaundry website and app are now accessible (
Screen reader compatibility, voice search, transcripts, colour contrast settings, dyslexia mode and a lot more.
St. John’s International Seeking Public Input on New Accessibility Plan (
The St. John’s International Airport Authority is putting a call out for public feedback towards the development of their latest accessibility plan.
Fish in a Tree Welcomes Dr. Sergio Cuevas to the Board of Directors (
New Orleans, LA – Fish in a Tree is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Sergio Cuevas to its Board of Directors.
Slamdance CEO: Financial, accessibility concerns behind LA move (
The Slamdance Film Festival will leave Park City in 2025 and the CEO says it’s because of concerns over cost and physical accessibility.
(25) Fish in a Tree Welcomes Dr. Amy Smith to its Board of Directors (
New Orleans - Fish in a Tree is proud to announce the appointment of Amy Smith, J.D., M.D., to its Board of Directors. Dr. Smith’s unique blend of medical expertise, legal acumen, and passionate advocacy for neurodiversity makes her an invaluable addition to our leadership team.
The Spanish Tourist Office hosts accessibility advisory panel (
UK travel and tourism industry news, features, jobs, directories, events and awards for travel agencies and consortia, airlines and airports, tour operators, ocean and river cruise lines, luxury and LGBT travel operators, technology companies and travel law professionals.
Accessibility podcast Ctrl, Alt, Access coming next week (
Unless you’re familiar with the excellent Access-Ability blog and newsletter, you may not have heard that there’s a new podcast on the way.
Accessibility just got a softer landing at Lion’s Park (
The accessible swing at Lion’s Park has gotten a little more user-friendly with the recent unveiling of a thick rubber fall protection surface that replaces wood chips, following a grant from the Tire Stewardship BC.
Applications Open for Accessible Vehicle Funding (
The Honourable Paul Pike, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development and Minister Responsible for the Status of Persons with Disabilities, is today announcing a call for applications for the 2024-25 Accessible Vehicle Funding program.
Accessibility Grant Program (
Deadline: 31-May-2024 The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is currently accepting applications for the Accessibility Grant Program. The Accessibility grant’s purpose is to improve accessibility and inclusion across Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) including communications, events, built environment and implementing solutions to barriers through innovation.
Wings for Autism Lands at PHL (
Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) partnered with The Arc of Pennsylvania, Frontier Airlines and MarketPlace PHL for the first-ever Wings for Autism® event at PHL on April 27.
dtSearch® Enhances Accessibility for "Off the Shelf" Enterprise Products and Expands Developer SDK to Cover a 5th 64-Bit Platform (Windows ARM) (
dtSearch announces the release of version 2024.01 of its enterprise and developer product line for instantly searching terabytes of online and offline data. The product line's proprietary document filters cover popular "Office" formats, website data, databases, compression formats and emails with attachments. dtSearch products can run either "on premises" at organizations or in a cloud environment such as Azure or AWS.
Zengenti launches Insytful, a governance tool for improving accessibility and website performance (
Zengenti, the creator of Contensis, headless content management system (CMS), has announced the launch of its new accessible site improvement platform, Insytful, in an effort to ensure web content is universally accessible for all.Launching officially ahead of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD, 16 May) Insytful aims to tackle online inclusivity by combining a selection of industry-leading tools and its own scanning technologies to monitor a website’s accessibility rating, performance and content quality, to improve user experience and SEO rankings.
Wistia Chief Technology Officer Brendan Schwartz Talks Making Video Accessible In Interview (
Wistia reported an astounding 254% increase last year in businesses using captions in their videos compared to 2022.
We Tried the Top Apps for Travelers with Disabilities. Here's What We Found (
Because travel should be for everyone.
How Rev Wants To Make The World’s Conversations More Accessible To Everyone (
Earlier today, I posted an interview with Wistia co-founder and chief technology officer Brendan Schwartz about his company’s mission to make people’s video more accessible to everyone. For Schwartz and team, better accessibility by way of transcripts and captions ultimately begets a better product for everyone, regardless of one’s abilities.
Accessibility plan passes in city council (
WATCH: The Regina accessibility plan received unanimous approval at council this week.
SnapSlide’s no-torque caps unlock one-handed opening for disabled consumers (
In a move expected to benefit adult consumers with physical disabilities, SnapSlide has revealed a line of no-torque caps that enable single-handed opening and closing without sacrificing child resistance.
New digital auditing tool aims to ensure web content is accessible for everyone (
Zengenti, the creator of headless content management system Contensis, has launched its new accessible site improvement platform, Insytful, in an effort to ensure web content is universally accessible for all.
4 European Startups Revolutionizing Accessibility Tech with AI (
Discover how four European startups are using AI to improve accessibility and reach a wider market. Learn how Visualfy enhances safety and autonomy for people with hearing loss, how Knisper makes speech intelligible for everyone, how Whispp transforms whispered speech into a natural voice, and how Acapela enables voice banking for future use. Explore how leveraging AI allows these startups to expand beyond disabilities and provide true accessibility for a broader audience. Find out how technology advancements are transforming the field of accessibility tech and creating a more inclusive society.
What are the accessibility features of Telstra payphones (
Need to use a payphone a little differently? We’ve got you covered. These are how our payphones are accessible to everyone.?
Inside AbleGamers’ Work To Make Video Games Playable By Every Gamer, Everywhere (
AbleGamers has a video on their YouTube channel which explains why supporting them is important.
Debunking 5 Myths in UI/UX Design for Mobile Apps (
A fun, engaging mobile app is a great way to win customers and grow your business. Our expert lays out five myths you shouldn’t let influence your work when building one.
Planning An Accessible Meeting In Monterey County (
When planning a Monterey meeting or gathering, it’s essential to ensure that everyone can enjoy the event to its fullest. Whether you’re hosting a wedding, family reunion, or business retreat, you want the experience to be as inclusive for everyone in attendance. Here’s how to plan such an event, along with some top accessibility-friendly locations to consider.
How to check and fix PDF accessibility issues (
Learn more about Adobe Acrobat Pro accessibility tools and how to use them.
How to test your website or app for usability (
We explore five of the best ways to make sure your website or app is usable
Stellar Blade accessibility settings explored (
The Stellar Blade accessibility settings can drastically change the game's visual aspects for players.
Taking action for the right to support in Flanders with a new and growing action group (
In Flanders, Belgium, ENIL member ‘GRIP‘ is supporting a new growing Action Group of people with disabilities to get their voices heard. They demand a real right to support and therefore a solution for the persisting waiting lists for personal budgets for support and personal assistance.
Apply For The Academy For Disabled Journalists Course 2024 (
Ability Today's Academy For Disabled Journalists (ADJ) launches its fifth year of the Certificate in Foundation Journalism (CFJ) course, delivered in partnership with the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ).
10 Most Wheelchair-Accessible Cities (
The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation has compiled a list of the top 10 wheelchair-accessible cities in the United States.
The Critical Need For Training And Resources for Disability-Inclusive Journalism (
Issue Fourteen
Reading Glasses - The Original Adaptation for Disabled People (
In a world where screens flicker with information and small print seems to shrink further each day, the value of clear vision cannot be overstated. For many, the solution lies in a humble yet transformative tool: reading glasses. Beyond their obvious role in aiding reading, these unassuming spectacles offer a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond the printed page. Let’s delve into the multifaceted advantages of donning a pair of reading glasses.
Luxury (
I am well aware my version of ‘healthy’ is not everyone’s. But this October, I have walked more than I have in years. I have still had intense flare ups, mental health meltdowns, and I am crying while typing because this is 'luxury' for me: Not the lack of these things, but a slightly increased ability to cope with them.
To the parents of school-aged children with disabilities: it's not your fault (
My son spent his high school years isolated in the library or watching YouTube videos. Am I angry? Absolutely. Do I blame his teachers? I don’t
Funding for Australian school students with disabilities ‘woefully inadequate’, principals say (
Exclusive: Schools have reallocated as much as $1bn from other areas to support children with disabilities in past year, survey finds
Perspective Changes Everything (
Perspective leads to gratitude and humility. Perspective means realizing others’ life experiences may completely differ from ours. What we view as normal and what we expect depends on how we …
Glasgow theatre company wants more disabled actors cast in disabled roles (
Company hopes to encourage more inclusion and accessibility within the entertainment industry in Scotland and across the UK.
Ali Stroker on Learning to Love Her Disability (
"I’m not ashamed of my disability at all: In fact, I’m grateful for it."
Disability: Doctor assumed woman using wheelchair did not have sex (
Adults with disabilities describe traumatic experiences trying to access healthcare.
A new wave of disability media (
Navigating tensions between art, activism and access
Study finds metformin reduces COVID-19 viral load, viral rebound (
A team of University of Minnesota researchers found that metformin, a drug commonly used to treat diabetes, can decrease the amount of COVID-19 virus in the body and lower the chances of the virus coming back strongly after initial treatment. The study was published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Ignoring the signs: Students, professors feel alienated by sign language credit policy (
When Brittney Bateman learned that taking American Sign Language classes would not count for her foreign language requirement at the University of Georgia, she was shocked. She is passionate about all she has learned in the classes and is deeply bothered by university policy regarding the credits.
2024: Wheelchair racing legend Louise Sauvage receives Honorary Doctorate (
Australia’s most revered Para-athlete recognised for outstanding contributions to sport and disability advocacy
'Disability Intimacy' starts a long-overdue conversation (
Editor Alice Wong refuses to shut out the 'other' in this collection of essays, poems and stories on topics such as BDSM, queer love and intergenerational relationships.
Conferences | Access VSA Intl Network (
Join us for the annual Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability Conference, hosted by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts! In 2024, the conference will take place July 29-Aug 2 in Seattle, WA.
Toledo Museum of Art (
For the third year in a row, Toledo Museum of Art is partnering with Disability EmpowHer Network on this event which celebrates Disabled Women Artists. This year, the disability community celebrates the 25th Anniversary of the Olmstead Decision, a landmark United States Supreme Court decision advancing disability rights. One of the plaintiffs of the court case, Lois Curtis, was a disabled women artist, herself, and we celebrate her contributions to disability history through this event, while sharing and celebrating the art the disabled women artists are currently creating!
London vs Paris: Accessible Pedestrian Signals (
London or Paris? Accessible pedestrian signals feel different across the channel, with their own pros and cons. Which style do you prefer and why?
Act Now to Respond to Government Consultation on Personal Independence Payments Reforms (
The UK government has launched a new consultation on proposed changes to Personal Independence Payments (PIP). Thomas Pocklington Trust is very concerned about what this means for blind and partially sighted people and is asking everyone to take part in the consultation.
About the Guest(s): Christina Kasprzak and Dr. Megan Vinh are the Co-Directors of the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA). Christina brings her expertise in leading initiatives to develop equitable and sustainable state systems for children with disabilities and their families. Her personal connection to the cause comes from a family that valued community and […]About the Guest(s): Christina Kasprzak and Dr. Megan Vinh are the Co-Directors of the Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA). Christina brings her expertise in leading initiatives to develop equitable and sustainable state systems for children with disabilities and their families. Her personal connection to the cause comes from a family that valued community and respect for all, emphasizing the importance of education in life. Dr. Megan Vinh’s drive is equally personal, vaulting from family experiences into a professional passion for inclusion as a human right. She co-directs not just ECTA, but also the STEM Innovation for Inclusion in Early Education (STEMIE) center, championing proactive and inclusive STEM learning for young children.
Research Webinar: Opportunities and Barriers to Independent Living in Europe (
ENIL’s Independent Living Research Network is organising a webinar to discuss research related to opportunities and barriers to Independent Living in Europe. We have invited three leading disability studies researchers – Dr Agnes Turnpenny, Dr Gabor Petri, and Dr Miro Griffiths. Agnes and Gabor will explore current trends in marginalisation of disabled people in Hungary, and Miro will present his work on disability activism in Europe.
I'm on Benefits, But Stigma Makes Me Feel Ashamed (
How do you feel when you find a brown envelope in your mail? I never used to pay much notice; instead, I ripped into the envelope without any thought. Now, however, the sight of one sends me into a tailspin. Since I became disabled and unable to work, I’ve had the constant stress and worry of dealing with the DWP. I’m on benefits, but I’m made to feel ashamed for doing so.
Shardlake star Arthur Hughes on 'superpower' of disability (
British actor Arthur Hughes made history becoming the first disabled actor to play Richard III for the Royal Shakespeare Company. Now, he stars in new Tudor detective series Shardlake alongside Sean Bean and Masters of the Air's Anthony Boyle.
Bermuda goes digital to bolster inclusion of persons with disabilities (
The Government of Bermuda is advancing its vision for strengthened services, opportunities, and policies for persons with disabilities, with the historic launch of a National Disability Register mobile application on the steps of City Hall on Wednesday, 24 April.
‘If you build it, they CAN come’: A legacy of accessibility advocacy at McMaster (
Continuing a legacy of accessibility improvement at McMaster over the past 35 years, Kim and Tim Nolan established the first donor-funded bursary for graduate students registered with SAS in the school of Social Work.
Oakville's great IDEA is to increase inclusivity, diversity and accessibility (
Oakville councillors unanimously approved a plan to make Oakville more inclusive over the next five years. At the council meeting on Monday, April 29, the Oakville Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Multi-Year Plan, which outlines town actions over the next five years, was adopted.
5 ways to make the outdoors more accessible for people with disabilities (
We need to work together to break down barriers that face people with disabilities as they try to enjoy public lands and outdoor recreation. That includes physically transforming shared spaces, raising awareness and creating a culture of inclusion.
New Book Release: Raising Nathan Against All Odds by Christine E. Staple Ebanks (
How far would you go for your child? In Raising Nathan Against All Odds by Christine E. Staple Ebanks, witness the unwavering strength of a family as they navigate the complexities of raising a child with disabilities. This powerful story will touch your heart and ignite your spirit.
Take it from a psychologist: Rishi Sunak's callous crusade on welfare will have disastrous consequences (
Targeting people who need support for depression and anxiety will only make these growing problems worse, says Jay Watts, a clinical psychologist
Volunteerism Plays an Honorable and Outsized Role in Aging Services (
May is Older Americans Month, when we celebrate the place of older adults in our communities. The federal government’s theme for 2024 is “Powered by Connection,” which “recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being.” Here in New York, we also celebrate Older New Yorkers Day, which will occur on May 14th this year. The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) annually helps us honor older New Yorkers from around the state for their volunteerism.
Directing While Disabled: What I Learned Directing My First Short Film with A Physical Disability (
RespectAbility Lab alum Muareen McEly shares tips in the hopes that they might be useful for other aspiring disabled directors.
Solutions for Overactive Bladder (
Overactive bladder, also known as spastic or reflex bladder, is one of the most common challenges of living with a neurogenic bladder, characterized by lack of control due to nerve damage.
Girl Talk: meet the hosts of the Blind Girl Chat podcast (
Lina Coral and Juna Gjata, hosts of the Blind Girl Chat podcast, want you to think of them as your blind big sisters.
Disability News and Mental Health, PIP Consultation: Vouchers instead of money? (
A look at the radical proposals from government for changes to PIP, plus access to exams
How do you describe the view to someone who can’t see? I couldn’t even do justice to a canal towpath (
A day with some blind and partially sighted walkers has shown me how much I barely notice – and how hard it is to find the right words, writes Adrian Chiles
Six-year-old student restrained in infant high chair at NSW school, family claims (
The boy, who has autism and Down syndrome, was photographed in the restraint for a social media post, his guardian says
Phoenix i is the First Wheelchair with Integrated Power Assist (
This carbon fiber manual wheelchair provides an intergated power assist while still being light enough you can lift it into your car.
Equity at the Ballot Box: Getting Involved in Community Activism and Running for Office (
Join RespectAbility’s policy team and guest speakers for an exciting discussion about community activism and running for public office.
Local nonprofit launches new program promoting inclusion (
The nonprofit CP launched the ‘All Included’ program on Tuesday, with an inclusive art project aimed to showcase the talents of people with disabilities.
Disability Intimacy Explores What Love and Sex Mean for Disabled People: 'Intimacy Is More Than Sex' (Exclusive) (
In a PEOPLE-exclusive excerpt from 'Disability Intimacy' edited by Alice Wong, she explores what she learned editing the new offering.
These New Home Features Are Accessible And Aesthetically Pleasing (
Get expert advice on improvements to your home, including design tips, how much you'd expect to pay for a pro and what to ask when hiring experts.
The Promise of Prosthetics Is a Curse (
We need to recognize the narrative of the power of technology over disability for what it is: ableist
A.D. Sui Reflects On The Dragonfly Gambit, And Navigating The World With A Disability (
Ukrainian born; Toronto author A.D. Sui has just released her debut novella The Dragonfly Gambit to rave reviews. The queer, disable science fiction writer brings the experience of navigating the world with a disability to life through her characters in the brilliant page-turner.
‘Your disability doesn’t define you:’ Project SEARCH participants gain essential skills at NH (
Your source for the latest Niagara Health news, updates, publications and Niagara Health Now.
A Venice Show Centers Disability Justice (
Power concedes nothing without a demand, and the tireless efforts of the Disability Arts Movement deserve both recognition and celebration.
An End to Sheltered Work (
Did you know that it is legal to pay people with disabilities far less than the minimum wage?
Elections Have Gotten More Accessible for Disabled Voters, but Gaps Remain (
A report to the Election Assistance Commission from researchers at Rutgers University found that disabled voters’ turnout lagged non-disabled voters’ by 11 percentage points, down from 17.
Medicaid: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (
John Oliver discusses why millions of people have been kicked off of Medicaid, why Medicaid access was difficult even before the current “unwinding”, and what would happen if fruits and vegetables could talk.
Disney’s Line-Cutting Policy Sent Us Backward (
Disney instituted a system in which visitors with a disability didn't have to wait in line so long. Then the company changed it, making it harder for wheelchair users to enjoy its parks.
AAPD Praises New Rules from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (
Earlier this week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released three final rules that will improve access to care, either through Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS) or long-term care facilities for people with disabilities and seniors. Far too many disabled people and older adults are denied the opportunity to exercise their civil right to receive care in the most integrated setting possible. Disabled people and older adults in nursing homes routinely experience neglect, worse health outcomes, and lower life expectancy because of inadequate staffing. The rules announced this week, Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services, Managed Care Access, Finance, and Quality, and Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities, and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency, will improve both the quality of care received, and the quality of direct care jobs.
Disney’s Line-Cutting Policy Sent Us Backward (
Disney instituted a system in which visitors with a disability didn't have to wait in line so long. Then the company changed it, making it harder for wheelchair users to enjoy its parks.
Disability Thinking Weekday - April 2024 Recap (
Here’s a look back at April’s Disability Thinking Weekday links. The links are sorted into three broad topic categories — Disability Life & Culture, Politics, Policy & Activism, and Practical Information
Books on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (
With growing awareness about the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, varying resources in different types of media developed over the last years. Our Chronic Pain Partners’ Team is collecting their favorite books, podcasts and films on EDS and its comorbid condition in a series of listicles you will find on our website over the next months. We are starting today with our favorite books! Whether that’s medical books, fiction, children or young adults, there is a book for everyone! This is meant as a community-centered list. We have not read all books but are sharing all resources we think may be helpful for our community in an alphabetical manner. Let us know in the comments whether you found one of our recommendations helpful or not and if you have further resources we should add.
A Mother’s Day Shout Out from An EDS Mom and The Producer of Complicated (
As a parent, it is hard to witness your child suffering with symptoms and physical pain. As mothers, we are often looked to, to make everything better, right?
Complicated - the must-watch documentary on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (
A new documentary on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, Complicated, will soon be released. Chronic Pain Partners was honored to preview the film, which dives deep into many of our community’s challenges. Directed by award-winning and Oscar-shortlisted filmmaker Andrew Abrahams and co-produced by TCAPP board member and advocate Donna Sullivan, this film is the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of EDS in the media we have seen.
Filmmaker Andrew Abrahams on the New EDS Documentary 'Complicated' (
Chronic Pain Partners' Karina Sturm was honored to speak with Andrew Abrahams, who has been directing the new Ehlers-Danlos documentary Complicated. Abrahams is an award-winning, two-time Academy Award-shortlisted producer/director of creative non-fiction films and the president of Open Eye Pictures. He is also a cinematographer and photographer. His documentary Under Our Skin, which highlights the chronic Lyme disease epidemic, received seven Best Documentary awards at international film festivals and was an Academy Award semifinalist for Best Documentary Feature. In this interview, Abrahams talks about the process of creating Complicated, how it changed his perspective, and how it will impact the community and make structural changes within the medical system.
Speechmatics (
Improve efficiency and accessibility by identifying and labelling non-speech sounds in audio and video, using AI.
On the Record, Off the Record, On Background, and Not for Attribution – Explained (
In 1989, The New York Times columnist William Safire expounded on the differences between “off the record,” “on background,” and “not for attribution,” or what he termed “the lexicon of quotability.” Yet, a decade later, five journalists from The Washington Post still couldn’t agree on common definitions for these terms.
Levels of Attribution (
Oxford University Press USA publishes scholarly works in all academic disciplines, bibles, music, children's books, business books, dictionaries, reference books, journals, text books and more. Browse our more than 30,000 titles on